Seven years

Every seven years, my life takes on changes which alter where I have been and where I am going. In lore at times, seven years is called an “itch”. I don't see it as such after so many periods to observe, a time which what is true to your life remains and what is left to walk beyond becomes distant. I don't fear this time in knowing whatever is to come is just building on what has been, rather than change which will see lesser than in the walk.

Yesterday I asked to be shown, what I needed to see. With doors closing behind myself, I opened another and three cards were shown. Starting from the right, One represented my writing in all forms over the years and represented communication thru writing, Second in the center, represented the healing aspects in my life, Third showing communication/counseling through verbal use being used incorporating my own tools of communication.

As I looked at the doors, a stream of light in the form of the infinity sign began lacing through all cards and weaving them together. As the weave continued to intersect one with another, the symbol tightened and pulled three into one card of light, then bursting without any remaining division and was no longer matter but anti-matter as a field of tiny stars.

From this vision, came a knowing separation will no longer exist in my three parts, only unity. Not a matter of choosing which to use and which is available or not available. Just a flow where matter does not exist. No longer three, but one. A time of unity approaching in how I will use my life, my tools in this world. Not a matter of one providing for another, but all providing as one.

Do I have the answers as reaching into this time, No. Do I trust I will be stronger as the foundation has never became lesser than a previous period, yes. As you get older, the seven year periods will become fewer in this world, yet knowing the summit is for all. Retaining the lessons I have learned and knowing the path eases in the process to where the steps are inner-grated in confidence and the ability to share and explore becomes more play than work. A clarity found much like any other learning in life, yet with a slightly different twist and knowledge. So I say cheers to what is entering and what is passing, both hold equal gratitude. Thank you and Namaste'


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