Daily personal reflection made easy
Living in a fast paced world and being seemingly bombarded daily on thought which both positive/negative leaves at the end of the day a mind in chaos of what is a part of your day and that which is the forces of our world directing towards you. To create a better world each needs to be a reflection of what you choose to see. Being a voice of negatively in hopes for a positive outcome creates what my Dad said repeatedly when I was growing up "Two wrongs never make a right". Anytime we piggyback on the negative of another will only create and amplify a negative response.
A simple tool to reflect on the positive of your day is setting aside a writing tool whether electronic or spiral/journal with the intent of daily entries including:
I am -
Grateful today for -
Appreciative today for -
Joyful today for -
Blessed today for -
Gave of myself today for -
Five entries a day which provides reflection and builds on a personal foundation of creating a now and never ending change for humanity. Not to judge another, yet be confirmation of self in contribution. Days will come when you feel an answer does not exist and days where multiple entries could create the answer. As time passes your diligence from within to be a creator of entries will change how you respond to life each day and how you choose not to respond.
As this a personal to your day and existence the review is your creation.
Namaste '