Camp Kasem

Two of my granddaughter's this week are attending Camp Kesem for the third year, viewing pictures posted on Face Book of all the kids having a great time, playing games, crafts and interacting and sometimes just being silly is fun to watch how the week is progressing. Images of laughing and having a great time with friends and then I came across of one young boy just sitting at a table solemn and the reality of the camp was remembered. Camp Kesem has a special requirement to attend,  a parent of each camper has been affected by cancer, both survivors and those actively fighting the disease. Looking at the young boy, my heart crumbled for him. If a image could say a thousand words, his did to me. 

I am so grateful my daughter is a survivor, though also realize not all the children see the vision of survivor at this time. Young warriors of compassion and love, enjoying camp for a week like so many across the country this summer. Many of these children will return home and continue to watch a parent fight the hardest battle known. Add these young ones to your prayers for strength and happiness in life and if this year mom or dad is not yet a survivor, may next year this be the outlook when they return for another camp. Incredible children who readily hide the pain to please the parent. Thankful Camp Kesem exists, and for this week - children only need to be children. May the comforter surround the children and the families in highest healing for all. 



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