ALL LIVES MATTER for a better world

ALL LIVES MATTER! Every energy on this planet at this time has been strategically placed in this moment together, regardless of culture,political belief,spiritual belief,young,old along with every level of intelligence and form including the kingdom of nature and animals today on a mission. I don't believe it is end times unless we allow our energy to reduce this planet to demise. Whether human,nature or animal the shifts and changes continue to become more pronounced each moment of each day.

As the inhabitants of this world, we are creating the outcome. Are outside forces in this universe creating influence, that question could have varied answers just as we do here. Like attracts like in all forms of energy whether seen or unseen. How we choose to allow and accept those forces is our choice alone. The human form itself is influencing the changes in nature and animals, all fighting for survival without cohesion.

Religious sects worldwide splintering among themselves, none excluded. As if the deeper the understanding so is the doubt of what has been revered. Animal kingdoms creating new groupings and behavioral changes not seen in the past and nature across the planet taking swift changes in climates,seasons unbalanced from past predicting and forecasting beyond just global warming A world in chaos trying to find balance. Some might find it easy to blame nature itself, ignoring the animal kingdom unless it directly affects human life and religious order a problem of each in contrast. While the human race becomes more segregated and separated from each other. In doing so the lives that matter are specific to separated alliances or we can choose for all lives to matter, with a renewed faith in humanity without being separated by color, belief or culture.

The political forces of this world seem disinterested in promoting peace as they follow personal agendas with humanity as the following pawns in the process. When each life matters, when each choice of belief becomes raised in the promoting energy and balance of energy on the spectrum rather than a constant influx of peace pushing against unrest does our world have a chance too overcome what we know at this time.

Everything is energy and energy is influenced by energy. Just as the air you breathe, this energy accumulates and is likened by matching energy in our case in the forms of human/nature/animal energy which is truly faceless and formless in a natural state. War has prevailed without interruption for thousands of years as an energy which has never ceased to exist only to expand and grow in the universe as if feeding a black hole of negativity. Too see the light, energy has to find a way through the dark – a darkness which leaves you blind and only trust of the outcome can guide you. Above all else you have to trust a new vision and not feed into the dark hole of negativity. You have to choose to create differently as a leader rather than a follower of what does not resonate with you. You have the choice to step up to peace, rather than lower into violence.

Our world can only overcome as a whole of humanity unsegregated in prejudice and bias ofter precipitated by those who strive for personal agendas which lack a greater higher outcome for all. As a creator only you can choose your fate. See beyond dark times into a vision which holds not only light but higher ideals for all. ALL LIVES matter, how we choose to display your life will create your future. Choose wisely, each thought counts in creating your future.


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