Ramblings on the presidential race of 2016

The election of 2016, is not going to be over and decided until the poll close on election day. At this time so much focused energy is on either Hillary or Trump, both already planing time in office before elected,  gathering background support with unsaid public intentions of if supported now, how individuals will be placed into either the cabinet, ambassadors or vice presidential slots yet to be filled. Neither seems to be influenced on potential left field influence outside of the republican or democratic parties.

What is different in 2016 is the energy wave in place from our country which will be the determining affect of the president elect. The inner voices which will be swayed into an acknowledgment of influence for the American people. If you were to look at the core or spinal energy of the candidates at present, Donald Trump has almost total blockages of processing the energy, Hillary isn't far off that scale as well with some unblocked flow yet seriously inhibited to a clear flow. Although he would not be my first choice, Bernie Sanders is the only one of the three holding the flow with few blockages.Yet, I still see a fourth runner, running hard which I can not identify other than being male, considerably younger than the other three in a hard run. An independent who could sway the vote or an ally to one of the other three who is seen as a safer background influence to be trusted?

I really don't care for politics, though at this time whoever might be chosen for president of this country is going to earn every dollar for day in the trials which lie ahead during the term, more so than any others is the last 75 years. It will not only be a title, but a job which if seen before the decision to run for president they might just have sat back and declined the pursuit. With so many forces worldwide rushing to a summit of change at the same time, a world leader/leaders who will find only a joint gathering instead of conquering will be accepted for the planet itself. Coming closer to one agenda than multitudes of separate agendas to appease the peoples of this world.

Warriors of this world are miniature in comparison to energy forces in place to change/secure an outcome already in place. If each in this country votes from their inner voice regardless of what the ego/emotional/fearful or self-satisfying voice might be saying to them, this summit will be reached with the flow rather than against the flow to the same outcome. With candidates already in resistance to the energy could be the hard runner in pursuit at this time as if running without any blockages could be the potential leader to that summit in the form of the inner voice for outer change with least resistance to old energy patterns known at this time.

It is not over until all voices sing with the same tone on the same wave. Impossible? Miracles are only impossibilities seen as possible. The race is on, pay attention to those who are truly running and those who are grasping for a race as already being completed.


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