
What is Fear?

Fear is not having a predictable outcome; this applies to all scenarios of life. Fearing the unknown, at times we are aware of possible outcomes that create a fear yet that really is still the unknown. The possibility and probability of an outcome, in a general sense and having limited knowledge, but not enough to relieve the fear of the unknown experiences in life. Worry is an emotional reaction preceding fear. Worry itself is not fear, only a marker to our senses that an unpredictable outcome could be waiting. Worry fuels a level of fear. 

How many times have you worried to the point of a physically unhealthy state, though found the outcome as being nothing to worry about? Creating a tremendous loss of energy and time in your life. Fear is a natural emotional state of the human ego, of the mind and your consciousness. 

When you can drill through the conscious state and unconscious state of the body, your super consciousness of spirit is the calming influence. All a form of consciousness equal to your spirit separated in mortal thinking. Your ego keeps you grounded in a physical world, giving you the thoughts of what if, and if they did not exist, where you chose to rethink or readjust at times, part of your spiritual safety net will have failed. In reality, the ego is the cockpit of your spiritual being, a pilot often taking instruction from a higher level of command to safely keep you centered.

Many would disagree and say the ego holds no value spiritually, yet if not in place to create certain forms of logical thinking and reassessment or create a worry or fear of unknown outcomes, thought processes to survive in a mortal world would become non-existent. I watched today as a young female driver exiting a local high school blazed through two stop signs as if the world would wait.

Today the world waited, but blazing through the stops in life to think does not insure your superman/superwoman as a fearless being. When you disregard fear as a whole in life, shutting down the ego when given the opportunity too advise on self-level, irrational actions on your part will alter actions on the part of another.

So how do you balance an active ego with a desire to live outside of fear and worry? If fear is your body speaking, the next to listen to is your body, or your heart speaking. 

Genuine fear will create biological changes at times in an instant where you feel uncomfortable about proceeding into an unknown experience, your stop sign biologically telling you to halt and regroup your thoughts. 

If your fear is telling you, that you need to stop worrying, your body is telling you the outcome will be nothing to worry about. At all times, your spirit is sending messages back and forth, if we only listen for the answers. Higher command instructing the cockpit in this flight pattern that all is well with your life. Equally working together without separation, as one when we choose to stay within our self on all levels. 

What is fear? Fear is separation. Fear is putting mortal before spirit and fear is tuning out to the messages being given, the sensations that are present, and those that are not. If you truly believe all is one, mind/body/spirit becomes a mortal mind in a spiritual body.


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