Tales from the grocery line and the Karmic punch

Do unto others and you would do unto yourself” or “Treat others the way you choose to be treated.” Everyone knows the phrases and yet, few relate the karmic punches that may come when you choose differently. 
In December of 2015, a young woman proceeded to check out at the register with her government WIC checks, which was needed to provide for her baby. She ran into difficulty when she had chosen the wrong type of milk and needed to replace the milk to proceed. Already feeling self-conscious about the line waiting for the correction to be made, a male customer behind her chose to voice his opinion on her government aid, berating her on this mistake and making his declarations on how he was anxious to process his transaction and had plenty of funds to make his purchase. A few minutes for the woman weighed like an eternity for the process to be completed and she was in tears from the rant of the male customer waiting, when completed she quietly walked away while he still insulted her to everyone within listening range, although she was already gone. 
As he stepped up too complete the transaction of his own his bellowing still was heard, When completed he ran his card through the reader and the card was denied not only once, but three times. He restated his bounty of funds while hollering at the reader. Stating how embarrassed he was and this must be a mistake. At this point, his wife appeared next to him inquiring what the problem was. He still loudly is stating the problems with the reader, his embarrassment and how small he was being made to feel. His wife proceeded to take the card, swipe it through the reader and without a problem, the transaction was completed as he stood in disbelief. A Karmic punch had landed on him. 
A couple of days ago, a woman began a transaction for the cart of items she had. While waiting her rudeness had been noted as she looked at other customers, as they were inferior and brushing the grain of her coat and tapping her long nails as she waited. Greeted at the register, she rebutted on her ability to shop and purchase as she chose. Still tapping her nails until the transaction could be completed. As she swiped the card, four times the card was declined on lack of funds. Gasping she checked her bank account on her phone to realize as she stated to the line Amazon had depleted her account to no fault of her own. Tried two more cards with the same outcome. Reduced her transaction to $10.00 and change, which is what she had in her wallet. Claiming only in America would this kind of cyber error occur and since she was from another country, she had been embarrassed and without her purchase being completed. Karmic punch landed again.
For every act, there is a reaction, which directly comes back to the sender as the receiver. The universe will treat you as you have treated another. In addition, so is the Karmic punch landing. Do we always see it or accept it as being given? No and in doing so the punch will rally back for return at another time and another until landed in belief. 

A young man came through the line with a copy of 90 minutes in Heaven. When asked if he had seen the movie he said “No, but I hear it is good. I really did not believe before but I have had things happen that definitely could not be excused which changed my belief. So I am watching out of curiosity.” A comment, which could be made across this planet every day, every country and every known or unknown belief system. 
Were not in a time of waking up, but being waked up. A forceful universe taking control in giving each times or revelation of a personal soul journey and for each naysayer another jolt will be given. Initially as a nudge, if not acknowledged the Karmic punch becomes immediate. A universe, faith systems and changes in the journey, which leaves no doubt that being true to doing as you do to others, can create the immediate response that is left to remove all doubts of being watched and accounted for is moment-to-moment and not Sunday to Sunday. As you have read this piece, you are now also considered aware. The phases have been etched in time; the tone has been NOW open and active. Decide how you choose to be treated; the decision will NOW shape your journey.


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