Another tale from the grocery line and paying it forward

A woman with her three young children pushed her cart to have groceries and bedding items paid for. Distinctly an immigrant dressed in her native attire with broken English, the family patiently waited for her transaction to complete. Groceries were basic including plenty of fruits and vegetables, one gallon of milk, and as the cashier checked out three new clearance blankets and pillows the children smiled and waited.
After trying to process the payment three times for almost $100.00, the payment failed to process and the smiles became resigned looks on all their faces. She explained to the children they would need to shop again another day, today the groceries, blankets and pillows would not be able to purchase tShe politely set the cart aside and started apologizing for taking the time in line. 
Behind her in this line, a young professional man patiently waited as well, listening and watching the disappointment with the family and then spoke “How much is needed to pay for the cart?” / The cashier responded with the amount and he said, “I will pay the bill, I have plenty of money.” The family looked at the young man who was offering to pay for the cart and the woman spoke “This is almost $100.00 sir, I cannot ask you to pay for the bill.” “You have asked for nothing of me, I choose to do this for you and the children.” The young man then preceded to hand his card to the cashier to process the payment. The cashier asked him to step up and process the payment if he chose to with his card, which he promptly did and completed the transaction. 

Now the faces of the woman and all the children had tears streaming down their cheeks, as well as the cashier and others who had waited in line at this time. “How will I repay you, can I have your name sir?” “My name is not important; I am sure when you can in your life you will find a way to repay today.” The family thanked him repeatedly before they left the store. He proceeded to take care of his own transaction without any look of having done anything extraordinary in the moments before, walked away, and went back out into his world again. 
In a few short minutes, he had changed outlooks, shared selflessly of himself, and left an imprint of his heart and soul on many others. Making a change in this world does not take grand gestures or a need to be gratified in the process. Simply connecting from the best of who you are creates a ripple, which multiplies in a tone, which never loses strength. This is a moment I witnessed and him grateful for being present. Just present in a moment which possibly changed the tide for another in many ways in how this family will now see this country, other races and being humble without expecting payment in return. To the soul, the best is always freely given and exchanged in many forms.


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