Acquired taste of life and the soul

As I sit here tonight, my mind is spinning with many directions I could take with writing and not sure how this will evolve. The first thoughts were concerning acquired tastes we have in life for foods. Some I just am unable to acquire, such as yogurt. Seems to be a food millions enjoy each day and yet regardless of how I have tried to dress it and eat it, that bell of like has not been found. Although I do like milk products, my physical being tells me not to acquire the products for substance. When I do, the reaction is immediate build up of mucous and being unable to function until the sensation is removed from my taste. Yet unpleasant, I am known to risk this in spite of the reaction and have realized the level of fat content is directly related to the process. I could write a list of eateries, which profess to serve ice cream without the content of true ice cream being served, due to the reaction not occurring with the product. An inner sensation cannot be fooled by the outward marketing. Coffee, love the smell and never able to actually consume the product. Steak, always have a complete lack of interest.

A deeper knowing in each of us creates the triggers in how we respond to what we try to ingest. A conscious mind says I can try this and possibly like it, while an unconscious mind says you will not acquire the taste or desire. Although, many times I have said if I try it once and like it, I will try it again. In itself, the thought pattern associated has taken me into some high and lows in this experience of life. I tried organized religion at the kick in the pants motivation of my parents until I was 14, then given the choice to continue or choose otherwise. I chose otherwise. Not all of the influence or being present for years three times a week had only confirmed deeper each year the path of limitations was mine. 

Remembering when I was still young enough to stand on a church pew and listen, sermons seemed to revolve around how the news of the week influenced dark days ahead. Years of hearing of dark days ahead only lessened the belief of dark days being a form of God’s will on Earth. Since I was eight, I knew of a different God who could come in the night and remove the darkness and worry, turning a bad day into a good day when the sun rose again. A buddy system not being spoke of in church. An acquired taste for biblical fall out was not accepted. I remember being less than school age and lying in my backyard and looking to the sky knowing I did not have to die to be born, so why would I acquire a belief death existed at all. Just wishing for a life of living in both worlds and I do. 
I remember the day my 22-year-old grandson was born, his eyes met mine with clarity, and I knew his vision was clear in what he would and was seeing. In itself, that turned my focus back to truth rather than denial of the possibilities which already and could once again exist in self-truth rather than trying to deny and acquire a limited view of who I chose to be. As he grew in clarity, my own desire to be more of self-truth rather than acquired truth grew as well. I acquired the greater knowledge of children being sent to be teachers rather than molded into acquired beliefs. 

What we truly choose to acquire a taste and thirst for in life is much like the sparks being seen as fireworks are exploding on a warm summer’s day. Sparks of possibilities without knowing the outcome of the light show, just the anticipation of the scene becoming larger and rather disappointed when the sparks fade from the view of a night sky. We know the sparks have the potential to be endless and yet acquire thought patterns, which tell out conscious mind the display has ceased until a new display is shown. In between the displays, we tend to return to our limited acquired tastes of what is known rather than being content in knowing a new display is already aligned to be shown again. We acquire the plateau as comfort and a space to reside until sparked once again. 
Rarely does a comfort zone bring true comfort. Today, just as standing in a pew decades ago our political system is constantly trying to connect the dots between politics and spiritual belief. Though I would like to say differently, religious beliefs are so strong we believe our comfort spiritually will be the outcome of the environment chosen politically in doing so. We have one side displaying the comfort or plateau and another displaying the glimpse of new sparks in the sky. Faces are irrelevant in doing so or names, the energy that takes us from the comfort of the known or into the unknown are the acquired taste and thirst of how our political system is reacting to our spiritual energy system. As in, many aspects of our mortal world the energy choosing to align is creating a mortal choice politically. 

Just as for steak, the acquired taste or me with yogurt, milk that results in a political like or dislike will come from the energy of the unconscious being manifested into the conscious world by vote and ultimately the decision of government is being created. Until the final votes are tallied, the rankings will still be unknown. The inner voice in silence will cast the ballot. Until that point, we will yet be playing fantasy politics with each level acquired a new alignment will be formed, this is already being seen. Like no other space of time, our acquired tastes are leading us into a self-truth in life regardless of the venue each day, which is presented. Our momentum as increased, energy flow has increased and the unknown has become the acquired taste for knowing our true acceptance each moment. 

The pace of time though seemingly the same of 24 hours each day is being shifted and quickening in the process. The influence of nature and wildlife are the true markers of change being quickened, each flowing in a true sense rather than a more limited sense of acknowledging clocks and calendars for tracking. The eyes are upon us seeing and displaying light shows that truly are not dimmed between displays just rising again to both open and closed eyes to the view. Radiant times disguised as dark days if you choose limitation or a view ongoing to be seen and a thirst to evolve and rise energetically. To know that death does not exist, only life being transitioned again. A promised world without limitations and available to acquire and for the sold to ingest. Your tomorrow is still unwritten or it seems or is the tomorrow a chance to change the tomorrows of a different world? Be open, be kind, and be true to who you are and where your truth resides in the highest sense of being spiritually. Nothing else is asked or ever has been, choose how you will taste life today and beyond the days of this experience. The choice is yours, the soul will provide the direction of your acquired taste, you are like, or dislike and the display you create from the sparks of the quickening available/ choose wisely, the result you have willed.
We thank you for listening


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