Spirituality in the non-events of our life

A friend of mine l while visiting the Westport, MO area for the first time in a few years, wandered into an establishment she had visited in the past, instead of finding the business she intended to see, a church for the homeless now occupied the small space. Already having planned to spend time there, she decided to sit down and be a part of the service. As people filed in observing each as they passed, realizing part of their day was spent preparing for the service that night. 

One was a gray haired man with a ponytail, she had seen before in Westport, on this night she found his mission was the minister of the small church. A young woman, who looked emaciated and sick, walked slowly and sat in one of the folding chairs put in place for service. Another who was a young adult man, would be the same that brought her to tears with his twenty minute blessing that night for the emaciated woman. A small congregation holding no airs about themselves brought their voices together to raise the roof in song. Initially feeling as if the participants were attending for the free meal, after-wards she left feeling as if being filled with spirit with the meal only then being a physical token for life. 

While she was telling of this evening, sitting outside of Starbucks two young girls behind us at a table spent the evening with their bibles open discussing how they might use their reading time and apply the messages in the world. Many see our lives as chaotic and means of depressed thoughts, while a greater energy increases to become much more alive in the simplest of forms all around us.

Whether in a homeless church, Starbucks, or a host of other non-events we might approach on a daily basis, change is here beyond political rhetoric. A world seeking within, rather than outside of themselves with a priority of changing views, beliefs in many settings, although our lives at times are caught up in the haves and have nots of existence, faith is setting a foundation of energy rippling through each in a personal way. This is what spirituality is truly about. 

Where the house of communication lies within first, and the structure of where you practice your beliefs is social to your heart. We can constantly choose if what we do in life is either spiritual or survival, survival of the physical world or spiritual of our true essence. Changing times, awakening souls, a new world is here. Only we can bring to reality in life how we apply our soul prompts of spirit to our world for survival.


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