Marvelous w/ Alan Jackson Just as I am recording
To see a shadow on the tree
To see a crimson one as me
To see the glory
To see the sea
To see the marvelous being of thee
Come to the garden
Within the heart
Come to the space where we can start
Come abound in life and love
Come to the space of heaven above
See the mystery which time has ingrained
The prism of truth known, by no other name
For this is a time, beyond dust to dust
To see the marvelous of us.
Understand in which you may be
Partake of the fountain of unity
Be part of the blessing, in which you trust
Be one, Be all
Be marvelous
For time has no meaning
For time isn’t just
A space of illusion, a space that you must.
Time is within, the space of marvelous.
Hush for a moment, be as you are
Quiet the mind, be of your star.
Be of the soul speck that is just,
Meet in the garden, meet marvelous
Be of the thought, which yet does exist
Be of the coming, be of the mist
Be of yourself, be marvelous
The garden holds beauty unspared
To float of the beings that are of the air
To come and to say “I know that I must, be of my being – be marvelous.
For I will not drop you, or carry you must
Be of the light, be of the dust
Be of the garden, you are the marvelous
Take hither, take bounty
Come as you must
To a place that only you can in trust
To be of your sanctity, to be of, you must
In the garden of time, be marvelous