Creating a prayer box to use in life

If your life revolves around "there is an app for that" this probably is not for you, it takes a physical intention and work associated. How many times a day on face  book or other sites do you read of prayers needed and being requested for somebody? 

At the end of the day, can you remember who you chose to pray for? As the list grows are the requests still acknowledged? Chances are as the days turn into weeks or months, many have been forgotten. This is where a prayer box keeps working. The box can be simply made at home, decorated in any form which resonates to you with the intent your prayer box will be used to carry on and remember where the mortal mind has lapsed. Mine is only about 4 X 6 X  4 in size. Inside are strips of paper with individual names which have accumulated over time, each as present as the day the name was entered into the box. 

The universe bigger than you and I remembers the names in your box. As in any tool of healing, last names or conditions do not need to be noted, each is already known.Understanding that healing is not always what we see as physical, the prayers are also for the soul well being of those who reside in the box. 

A simple blessing can be created to line the box whether written visibly or written on the box and decor placed over the blessing, the intent remains with the box. Mine simply has:

 May this box be blessed with the continuous healing for all that are placed within it

May spirit bless and touch he/she who enters this space

May all that afflicts each within this box, find healing and peace

May you carry your dream into the light that you poses

 Where Two or More are Gathered on face book

As you begin or end your day, don’t 
let your praying knees get lazy, include a prayer for all those who reside in your box to find healing. I don't choose any specific religious belief. though I have found the closer to the ground in prayer - the stronger the intent is for myself, so knees or kneeling of the floor with your forehead touching the ground, all are accepted in the intent you find most sacred to who you are.  

Prayer boxes are also great for children to use, knowing even if they forgot who to pray for, spirit is still aware the prayers are needed and being listened too. A child would be more likely to decorate the box as being a happy tool! We could all use the "happy" of the child to remember the power of prayer. 

Just my thoughts on creating a prayer box, use and intent as we travel thru the days of experience and remembering those including ourselves who just might need the assistance where two or more are gathered in a united intent.


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