Time Tracks - revisited
Having written well over 2000 different pieces over the years, at times I revisit the files which have accumulated. Time Tracks is one I particularly enjoyed. One afternoon, my grandson and I went to a local park; taking his school work and a book we headed for the gazebo at the lake. I sat out closer to the water and he remained directly behind at a picnic table. When you are in the experience rather than just in a state of imagination the reality usually comes in hind sight. For what seemed liked minutes, was suddenly jolted by my grandson's voice asking when we would leave? Jolting me from the space of the tracks back to a present reality gives new meaning to the phrase "Oh Snap!". The physical return jolt can be actually painful, disoriented and feeling much like having a few too many drinks and losing the sense of the floor beneath your feet in feeling the reconnection.
Time Tracks
I sat
by the water illuminated by the morning light. Glancing across the
ripples, a train was in sight. Engines with rail cars stood in wait,
becoming timeless in thought. How the scene has cleared a vision, of
many in another time and place. Tracks sturdy, reinforced of old,
carried the stories of visions untold. For one hundred and fifty
years, tracks set in a stationary form as time rolled over the
back and seeing the fresh timber lay in a time close to 1858. Curious
children approach, though not to close with eyes of wonder as a new
form of transportation was unfolding. Workers hot and bare-chested,
chanting and slamming the iron with each tie becoming secure. New
railway workers coming far from home, continuing to connect what
already is with what will be and their thoughts would blur. As the
sound of iron echoes through the summer sky, each creates a vision of
time when their work will take them to a land, where only the ocean
is in sight when the last tie is completed. Dreaming of the new land
with white sand and cities told of being grand. Air will smell so
clear, leaving a tinge of salt in the mouth, as well as tears.
Knowing the work is far from done, valleys and mountains, danger
could come. For now, they will rest the dreams on the middle of the
land, to cross the thresholds as they have since the journey began. I
see today in 2008, the workers across time in 1858. As they rest
under the trees, I can only wonder ~ do they see me? When they
complete the history at task, did they return across the great track?
I sit in a park as they sit in open field. I see manicured beauty;
they still see so much work to be fulfilled. Are they any different
then you and I, holding the hope of what they are told will not
2158 what will be seen, in this time and space of eternity. As I sit
past, present, and future, what is the vision that is yet to be? The
tracks are anew, raised across the water of a great lake. Manicured
beauty of the park today, has given way to a new age. The children
still play, coming across the water in new-fashioned ways. Crossing
the ripples, squealing in delight as the train comes by, over the
land and high in the sky. Yet within the air driven ride, a car still
exists with riders inside. A new fresh paint on the virgin steel,
rolling across a path built. Riders of 1858, returning to a place
where they came one hot August day. My eyes take me into the car in
which they ride, the beautiful seats and flowers that shine colors of
the land in another time. I seen them from afar, yet there is no one
in sight? I reached my hand out to the seats inside, out into the air
on this dimensional ride. I hear a voice say, “You are seeing me
ride,” I respond with a resilient “Yes! I see you just fine,”
the car is filled with the virgin riders. “Sit with us and tell us
your name” all the riders then exclaimed. As we sat and talked I
told of seeming them in a time of old, yet I said, “As you can see,
time is only distant memories. I have watched you for 300 years, and
the moon has not set once in that time. Three hundred years is but a
moment of time, what was, and what is now, both still clear.
ride into visions, as we choose to hold clear, seeing life in a blink
or a cheer. The horn has now sounded the engines they roar, ready to
move in this moment to a place of waiting. Life is a train ride open
and clear, forever real, forever dear.