Energy of the universal response - the rising of intuition from within

 Watching #SharkTank tonight, an individual female came into the tank with a product mat for children which they could be fed on and prevent slipping,sliding and the destructive powers her children had while eating, This woman tended not to blink and after a short time I turned away from the hollow eyes doing the presentation.

We live in a highly intuitive world where feeling creates decision and can not be masked from the soul feelings of another who is viewing. If another creates tears in which a trigger is not released for you own, you know those are tears created from other than a soul response. We react  soul to soul rather than just through the emotional body we reside in. What is real is real, what is false is false and what is false created to evoke a real response is not noted and responded too. 

This year the anniversary of Normandy was brought back to our attention. A short span of time where over 425,000 lives across all nations and adversaries were lost. Almost half a million people of this world died in this invasion and though it was deemed a turning point in WW2 - everyone of those souls who left at that time became unified in the sense of being beyond a life experience. Yet at the time and even now the calculations are compiled as casualties of war - allied and enemy accepted across the world as needed and possibly the deepness of the soul feelings were more contained to those connected by family and personal connection to the casualties. 

Today, chances are whenever you read or presented with a story of loss, known or unknown that trigger of soul response evokes a personal reaction in the physical in having the knowledge. Do we care deeper now than at the time of Normandy? No. What has changed is the energy which flows from your inner being into the times of the world. Your soul being no longer is able to tolerate the pain of another and can see through pain which is from the depth and that which is not. 

Politics of the mind are no longer effective and leaders are transparent beyond what is shown. Being able to cry and holler the injustice of another largely falls on deaf soul response in a awakening world.No being in this world is unattached in a connected response whether dark or light in nature. What is hollow is unrecognized as needed. What is hollowed also creates a reaction to step away from the energy of the individual who is attempting to evoke a response. 

A connected wave of energy from one to another speaking without words and responding in unison throughout mortality as we know it, the intuitive spread of universal energy.Eyes wide open to see and express without hesitation in knowing a connection of humankind. Heart and soul gut reaction which will not fail to produce the genuine response rather than emotional attraction. Over the last decade this energy fold has evolved from sparse to enfolding not only humans, but also animals, our geographic and ecological balance on all levels. Everything is energy and all energy is one. As this energy continues to evolve and be released from a space where it always resided intolerance for destruction of this energy in any form will become inclusive on all levels. A world responding on a soul level outside of the emotional body where in the past it might have been manipulated or disguised in the process of allowing or deception of our world. 

Bible scholars look to Revelations for explanation, in reality this is the revealing which has always existed in separation now unmasked.The world is looking more to those which can provide knowledge of connection through mediums, etc. When that medium influence falls way to personal gravitation to the rich and famous, the reality of the soul itself becomes more responsive in being the truth of the seeker. Below is a chapter from Moniko speaking of this time, written over ten years ago the truth of the soul is being more understood and will continue to be so. Listen to your gut is not only a phrase from times past, it is the truth of where you are now. Evolving, evoking and listening beyond and deeper than ever before. Trust the response of the soul. 

                                               Chapter Twelve The Temple of the Elders   

Moniko’s adventure brings together a story of wonder and magic. At the time in Moniko’s home in the Sun when he chose to take this adventure, many Universes were joining to unify once again.  Many Universes had chosen not to be unified with the Elders and Sun for many cycles. They had made a decision to use the knowledge of their worlds and inflict their desires upon other Universes that were separated in thought from the worlds of love. These Universes were now deciding to once again release from the energy that had caused great chaos on the Earth world.  Beings were retuning to the City of Light in confusion. The blanket of separation had left beings without the knowledge of the Sun they had when they departed on their chosen adventures. Many Elders joined in council at the Temple of the Elders in the City of Light. Within the City of Light, although all Elders are equal, the Council of Elders elects representatives. 
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The Temple of the Elders is truly magnificent. Beings returning to the Sun are welcomed at the Temple of the Elders. With the assistance of the Elders, they may choose to share the experiences of their journeys and receive guidance to help them understand the choices that were made.  Though Moniko had been to the temple often, at this time Moniko met another young spirit. The young spirit had just returned from an adventure to the Earth. During the journey, Earth was experiencing separation, and although much beauty had been created, there were also many thoughts that were not in harmony with the intent of the travelers.  As Moniko stood in the Temple of the Elders, the young spirit approached him. Moniko looked at the young spirit and saw the refection of him self. He could not find words to describe all that he was feeling. In all the time spent at his home in the Sun, and in his many adventures, Moniko had yet to see another being who had chosen to take a form so closely mirrored to his own.  As the two stood looking at one another, the young spirit spoke. “Moniko, although you are confused, I have had a longing to meet you. You have traveled through many adventures, and I have also traveled journeys that we shared.” “I do not understand. I do not have a memory of who you might be,” Moniko answered. 
Adventures Of Moniko
The young spirit smiled. “Though we are individual spirits in the form we have chosen, we are also one. At this time, we have been called to the Temple of the Elders to understand each other and the adventures and choices that we have made.” As they stood in the Temple of the Elders, both intently observed the beings that had been returning to the Sun and choosing to meet with the Elders. Many looked as if they were in disbelief, while others appeared to be in complete knowledge of their home in the Sun, as if their journey was held in total remembrance.  Moniko turned to his companion again and said, “I have witnessed many beings returning home. The energy I feel and see at this time is different. You have also returned to the Sun, from your journey to the Earth world. I want to understand more clearly why they are returning now, as they are holding an energy unlike what I have witnessed before.” The young spirit gazed at Moniko. “At this time on the Earth world great changes are occurring. Energy shifts are being created by great pulls of the Sun. The Mother of the Elders has called upon the womb of her creation in the Earth world to assist in cleansing the entire Earth world and to free Earth from beings of many different Universes that have chosen to journey to the Earth world. This cleansing is for the entire Earth world.”
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The young spirit continued. “The energy of the City of Light has been magnified on the Earth world. Masses of beings at this time that have chosen adventures to the Earth world are remembering their homes in the Sun.  “Their energy is creating waves of elation and joy on Earth. The energy that is not of the wave is being brought into purification in the City of Light and your home in the Sun.  “As the Mother of the Elders called for her womb to be cleansed, unrest within the Earth, and above the Earth, is unfolding in the form of multitudes of smaller waves rippling towards the energy that has been sent from the City of Light.  “The darkest of choices and resulting vibrations on Earth are being absorbed into the waves of energy connected to the City of Light. The Mother of all Elders has created a mirror City of Light in the very core of her being. This City of Light has been there since the creation of the Earth world, just as you have known the City of Light in your home in the Sun.  “What was once a perfect alignment within the womb of the Earth world, became separated in energy between both the City of Light within the Earth and the City of Light in the Sun. Choices were made by universal beings that traveled to the Earth world, who did not hold a place in the council with the Sun. They created a cloak of separation between the cities. 
Adventures Of Moniko
“At this time, the light energy is once again uniting. As this happens, the City of Light within the Earth will vibrate through the imperfections, stretching to reunite all our energy with the Sun, and each City of Light.  “Energy is being transformed to light energy, creating an empowering force from within. As the seas and mountains of the Earth world create pathways for unity, many beings that have chosen to experience adventures in the Earth world are returning to the Sun and are in the midst of completing the journey of choice.  “As you have witnessed the confusion from those that appear to be without understanding, you are also witnessing those that are returning with a memory and complete understanding and knowledge of the journeys they have chosen, Moniko.  “As you have chosen, Moniko, to take a spirit form in the Sun, I chose at the time of the birth of the Earth world, to choose an Earthly form and to make my home in the City of Light within the Earth world.  “Within the City of Light of the Earth world, is yet a mirror of the City of Light and your home in the Sun. All that exists in your home exists in mine also. Above as below, all is one creation undivided.  “I share your soul star. As I am, you are. We are perfect mirrors of each other, but yet we are individuals within our journeys. Moniko, when you visited your soul star and gazed through the mirrors of the adventures,
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which were not of your knowledge or understanding, you were also viewing my adventures.  “As beings at home in the Sun and within my home in the womb of the Earth, we are also being unified in our understanding beyond the knowledge held before in our thoughts.  “Moniko, you have chosen to be of the energy of the Father of the Elders, and I have chosen to be of the energy of the Mother of the Elders. You are Moniko, and I am Mariah. We are complete within the energy of both the Father and Mother of all Elders, and within the great band of universal energy that has now chosen to bring all souls into unity. We have all chosen to be of one home, the Universe of light.” “Mariah, as we now journey, will our adventures be as one? Though we both have individual energy forms and thoughts, will our choices be unified?” Moniko inquired of Mariah.            “Moniko, we do not hold any separation. We may continue to choose adventures in the energy of the Father and Mother as requested in our Universe of light. We are complete in being and one in thought. We are here to assist all beings to become reunited and complete in vibration,” Mariah replied. Moniko beamed in his energy as Mariah spoke. How wonderful, he thought, for all Universes to be as one. For the love that Moniko shared in his home could be one with the vibration of all beings. 
Adventures Of Moniko
“Mariah, I welcome you in honor of all creation,” Moniko said. He then reached for Mariah’s hands, joining energy. They glowed in a beautiful golden light – the light of true sharing.  “Moniko and Mariah,” they heard voices say, “Welcome home to the enfoldment of the light.” As Moniko and Mariah turned, the Father and Mother of the Elders also connected their energy, and glowed with the brilliance of both Suns within the City of Light.  Moniko and Mariah then looked above themselves in the Temple of the Elders, witnessing all the soul stars dancing on the great wave of energy bringing all beings home again.


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