Step up too Peace
A twenty-year old young man today created yet
another mass shooting in Oregon, USA. I did not know him nor do I know his
name. What I do know about him is he grew up never knowing his country not
being at war. He grew up with the very realization of a country going into
economic collapse, views of the rise of homelessness, increased poverty, and
discord in his nation’s capitol between presidents both Republican and Democrat
who could not find the answers to peace in his country. He grew up under the
influence of a virtual world where all was seen at the touch of a key
transparently. He grew up constantly free to search and only to find the
opinion rather than the best of who he might have been. Today many died from
his inconclusive search through the opinion of our own angry world and his predecessors
inclined to turn to mass shootings to be heard. The same attributes he grew up
with, our: sons/daughters/grandsons/granddaughters/nieces/nephews will
still be under the influence of tomorrow. Before he shot each, they were
required to stand up and state their religion. In itself, the statement reflects
his discouragement and yet curiosity with religion which was not found
acceptable in his mind.
What is the answer to war, whether of the mind or
country? Peace. Not just in tolerance – in acceptance of each other. No war
should ever exist in the name either of God or because of God. War is of the
free will of humankind, yet without the personal accountability or
responsibility of mortal actions if done in the name or act of God. A cycle,
which has been failed upon for thousands of years. As we are given the free
will to take up arms, we are also given the free will to step higher into
peace. If it were easy, peace would not be the step up. Millions across this
world “worship” yet do not take the words to heart of peace. If each person of
the millions would make it a personal endeavor to not convert, but to help five
more step up to peace, what a different world this would be.
Peace from within cannot be found as if discovering a
new statement of life. Peace is the atom from within, which does connect each
as one – if linked from heart to heart. Being willing to let the heart speak to
another heart, without conditions of religion, economy, or political gain or
alliance in pursuit of self-gain. Mortal existence largely is based on the
thought pattern of leaving this world and returning to a state of peace free of
the anger, grief, hostility, and need to be the greater of your neighbor. Where
the step up we deny ourselves in life to be granted in death. Separation of
religion does not exist in Spirit. Tolerance rather than acceptance does not
exist in Spirit. Spirit is not an entity reserved for the afterlife. You are
Spirit first, here and now. Choosing how your Spirit lives in this world is
your free will. Exactly what you wait for in the afterlife is here now, without
the separation mortality hungers for in the name of God.
Five people growing together in the step of peace
can change your world. Reaching out to diversify and expand beyond your comfort
zone in pursuit can change your world. Bringing the inner-faith and Spirit of
who you truly are can change your world. If you strive to step up, peace can be
the only directive in creating the change in your world. President Obama feels
gun control is the answer to mass killings. I disagree Mr. President, a world
striving for peace rather than holding tools of destruction is far more
powerful than regulating the tools of anger and hostility being used. Step up
and take the hand of five more, which in turn would lay down the destructive
power of five more and create a feeling, which supersedes a need to be armed to
destroy. Step up, the alternative has never found peace.