Messages in small packages

Today seemed to take a life of its own on, when arriving to spend time with a client his daughter n law requested a ride to a local thrift shop in the area. Once at a thrift shop I always wander towards finding an area of old dolls. Many just see a doll as an old toy; I see them as a part of history in life. Ninety percent of the time, I do not see the one, which propels me to take it from the store, though on occasion I do find just that one special one. 

Having an affinity for Madame Alexander dolls in eyeing what might be available; I will check the neck for a production number, which is part of the dolls origins. Catching sight of one particular baby boy doll today with an object attached to the hand, I took him from the shelf – noticed his production number and noticed he was in absolutely perfect condition as if pulled form a box and set on the shelf. Very rare find for doll and condition, then checking for the pricing expecting a high value even in a thrift shop, he was $3.00.Going home little boy.

A firefly was attached to his hand with a battery pack on his spine to light the little bug. From the type of the doll, suspect the issue time was in the seventies. Returning home, I unsealed his bag taking a closer look at the doll with a firefly. Holding him, it became clear as beautiful as he was; the firefly was the message coming with him. Looking on the net for the meaning of the firefly it sounded like a description of myself and actually put questions I had into perspective. I choose to believe life is not coincidences or accidental happenings, rather if you view life with eyes/senses wide-open life becomes a gift of wonderment from the universe. 

Last week I found yet another large white feather in my home laying on the ground by my desk .I have been picking up feathers in my home for over a decade, though appreciated I seen it as more of a collectible gift than a message. As the firefly uses the resources of self to survive and thrive, knowing all that is needed is within, I have found myself looking outside of myself primarily rather than inside to sustain. As the firefly during the day blends into normalcy of the lighted world and waits for the night to work and thrive, the quiet of the night is my time of work. Though I know and see the similarities of the firefly – I have been spending most of my energy at this time trying to blend into the normalcy of the day, rather than the quiet of the night which is a time I enjoy. Today reminders of who I am, rather than who I expense energy during the day too suffice in life. We are spirit first, the energy which spins our minds and pumps the heart – without our individual spirit/soul taking the lead we truly are not as intended to be, though existing.

Messages come thru in unusual ways when needed and least expected in the form which might be taken to do so. From the beginning of recorded time, nature or animals have taken a dominant place in bringing the messages, whether animate, in animate or spiritually combined in many forms brought to our attention. Never discount the process as you will then be discounting you to believe. Firefly, feather, those times when you feel a hand stroke your head, all with the same purpose – to continue to believe, have faith and trust you are taken care of. Let go and let God take the green light uninterrupted and you will be amazed when left field finds you.


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