A day of realization and the movie Heaven is For Real

Today, was spent in celebration, some sadness of remembering a mother who passed, had 8" cut off the length of my hair - just because, and watched Heaven is For Real with my daughter tonight on cable.A day of mixed emotions, cutting hair which I had wanted to do for a long time and seeing a movie that touched my heart and soul to tears many times before it was over as well as making me laugh at times hear a truth many in this world still tend to not accept as being so.

For myself, to see the other side did not take a near death experience at the time.It took a moment in time, a guide I know as Joseph and a spirit animal I know as Cloud/white Stallion.Preceding this moment, on another occasion the voice of Joseph asked me if I wanted to take a ride and the spirit of Cloud became present. The ride was swift to a large bright sphere I call the Central Sun.On that occasion,coming close to the ball of light I realized no heat was being emitted from this mammoth Sun.

 On the next occasion,Joseph started the ride together than disappeared,as I shot straight into the huge light.In an instant I was in a place which was beautiful, though it was not what I was seeing which affected me, it was the feeling which filled me like nothing I ever felt before which held me.I held no desire to return, though I had full knowledge of everyone and thing I would be leaving. I was more than prepared to be done with mortality without reservation of a nano-second.A voice without a face told me I could visit anytime, at this time I could not stay.A link was opened that I use in everything I have done since that time.

At one time, as I sat on a bench in this space I was shown how miniature of a world we exist.Through the eyes of spirit I connect to this space in doing readings, it is where my faith and trust rest in peace.After developing the connection to this space, I wrote Moniko. Regardless of the name given to this place, it does exist and erased all fear in my life as to whether a spiritual universe existed in the betwixt and between of our mortal universe.

In the movie, this place was discredited from every angle by the same followers who worshiped every Sunday to be prepared yet feared what might be.Making excuses of predisposed teachings as to the truth of a 4 year old. Our world chooses to find disbelief more comforting than belief. My own reservations in speaking are a fear rather than faith in doing so, not of what lies beyond mortality but the world we live in choosing only to believe what comforts without confirmation being seen as available.

Heaven in all choice of labels does exist, there is a beyond and as this world cries to be woken up than still hide from doing this without reservation or praying for boundaries within a present comfort zone of mortality.Either wake up or continue to sleep, this is your choice.Request made of faith without restrictions can change your life.It has mine and it is for real.


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