Jack and "Believing beyond the shadow of doubt"

I spend part of my days working with hospice/chronically ill individuals. At this time, my main client is Jack. Jack was born in 1935, born and raised in southern CA and spent his early years since he was six folded into the Hollywood of that time. I find myself with him hurrying to finish all tasks, which keep his surroundings clean and comfortable and little by little have seen him emerge from an elderly man with little to say, to a man with so many stories from a time before I was even born. Remembering yesterday is not always clear to him, though remembering his past is fully intact, knowing Jack will probably not be of this world on any long term basis of this time makes his even more of a treasure to spend the NOW time of his life with. 

For just awhile each day, I travel with him not only to the times of his younger years, but also to periods throughout his life and see, the smile of living come back to his face. To look at Jack now, still very young looking for his years at 80 I can see how in youth, Hollywood suited him just fine. Even more so, when he remembers, life returns to his eyes. I have other clients his age in better health that seems to have lost the glow of life in the eyes. Yet, Jack fully aware that each day is not to be taken for granted still sparkles when he speaks of life. 

I asked Jack today about Christmas and the holidays coming, he spoke with what sounded like disinterest in the holidays and yet he followed the thought with being able to remember so many holidays of the past he felt full without celebration of another. I think as Christmas draws closer and if Jack is still part of this world, I will loan him a tiny tree I have. We spoke today of beliefs he might have in regard to what lies beyond a physical life. Stating he was not a religious man, he has always felt God hears his thoughts and takes care of him now and always, without a need for a building and a preacher to be true. Have to agree with you Jack.
I do believe a spiritual presence definitely connects the dots in our physical lives, intersecting our path with those we can benefit from and learn for a new perspective. I actually passed on a tech job, which would have provided far more money than spending time with Jack. At the time, the money from a better providing job did nothing to my heart. Caring for Jack has been an experience I would not have traded. Tech jobs will still be an option in the future, this crossing will not and I know I will survive in the meantime. 

A week ago, I was sitting outside in the chill of the night, sky was blackened by thick clouds, and the full moon, which should be shining, could not be seen. Just darkness, and in my head I was given the thought to repeat, “I believe beyond the shadow of doubt.” I repeated this phrase repeatedly and still saw a dark sky. After a few minutes, a faint light from the moon could be seen through the blackness of the night while I continued to repeat the same phrase the clouds began to part and in a large oval of the darkness, the moon started to appear. Sill repeating within eight minutes, the clouds had parted in this oval and the beauty of the full moon shone like a bright beacon poking out from the darkness. In eight minutes, the full moon I so desperately wanted to see was now fully insight, in an oval like a picture frame surrounded by the still thick dark clouds my wish had been granted as the power of thought, faith and trust was gifted with the moon.
Some might say, the moon was already in this position and maybe so. I do believe in the power of thought/faith and trust in all we do. 

Not only a self-trust but also a higher trust reinforced by our “believing beyond the shadow of doubt.” Jack, knowing any “nap” he might take in the course of the day could be the last of this world still carries that spark which shines through his eyes like a moon on a dark cloudy night. He has today, he had 80 years of days to experience, and if a new day is not granted tomorrow, he has that spark which carried to the NOW of his life and will never be lost and I am certain he would agree his light could shine “beyond the shadow of a doubt.” Bless you Jack, for crossing my path and leaving a new experience which will forever since shine like a full moon on life’s most cloudy dark nights. Believe beyond the shadow of doubt and welcome the darkness to part into the lighted path you truly are on. 



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