Assignments in the journey of life

Since 2008, I have worked what many would consider menial jobs in regard to the paycheck. Prior to this time, my financial package was over 60,000.00 a year, working my way to the top in my job classification and very empty inside in the process. I have been a bell ringer working 40 days in every kind of imaginable weather, cashier and working retail, call centers and caregiver.

Starting down this path, I have looked at each job as an assignment. Never sure going in who the assignment was and when I realized the assignment a door would open to either exit the door or continue on to another assignment in the location/job I was in. At one point on a temp assignment I knew within 24 hours who that person was and exchanged emails. That person is still considered a blessing for doing so. A journey which has always provided what was needed on my behalf and the space to continue on.

This universe does not always give us the blue print in knowing why we are in the position we are in, only faith and trust on the walk keeps a level of peace ongoing in the process. One of my clients today who I only see once a week walked up and gave me a hug and said "when I saw you, I saw peace and I wait each week to see this again. Both her and her spouse have physical challenges in their lives which limit the ability to function as they once did. The only difficulty I encounter when seeing them, is being able to complete my work while still trying to be attentive to conversation being directed towards me. I know about their life without ever asking a question.

Jack, the last couple of days has been in a great amount of pain, he wishes so deeply to just be able to sleep and fades in and out at times. We talk somewhat of matters of today, though conversations seem to drift to his years of experience and conclusions he has developed over his still intact ability to understand perceptions he has created. His eyes speak loud and clear without a word being said at times. I can feel his loneliness for those he has lost from this world while still worrying about who remains and what the future will bring. If conversation is therapy, the clearing and recreating of past thought is bringing peace even in these times.

While I listen, I wonder about the masses also in his time of life who do not have conversation anymore or the freedom to express outside of day to day care provided to them. In spite of his pain, he finds the laughter which in itself is a painful emotion to release on the physical body. 35% of our time together is spent attending to his physical needs, with the remainder devoted to the needs of thought and conversation. He is sweet and a jewel to cross my path. He also represents many more in this world who the greatest gift they can receive is respect and attention beyond the physical needs.

I was listening to a report on TV this morning about the change of thought in which if elderly do crosswords, read newspapers, etc. it keeps the brain in tune and possible stalls dementia. Dr. Gupta stated the one activity which truly brings all parts of the brain into action at the same time is singing. On key or off key, encourage the elderly to sing. I suggested this to Jack today and he laughed so hard about not being able to carry a tune and at the same time - possibly the laughter was his song. The release of energy spontaneously which taps into so many elements of the mind.Okay Jack, we will skip the song of lyrics for the song of laughter and call it even.

At the end of the day, if peace finds it's way to our dream state we have assigned our heart to the right space on this journey. I come across so many names in the course of the day in search of healing, each one is written down and laid in my prayer box. Regardless of what tomorrow will bring my prayers are with each tonight and I am at peace. Thank you for this day.


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