Life is of the Butterfly - with the free will to leave the cocoon

Life is of the Butterfly - with the free will to leave the cocoon

Excerpt from Adventures of Moniko:
“Oh yes, let the journey begin,” Moniko replied to the Elder, as Moniko bounced around the cloak of the Elder, with a wave of the Elder’s cloak they were now once again within the City of Light. Moniko stood for a few moments absorbing the City once again. In the distance in front of Moniko, he could see a great arbor standing in marvelous beauty at the entrance of the celestial gardens. As Moniko and the Elder traveled through the streets of the city of the Sun, the joy and beauty of the City of Light was absorbed within the spirit of Moniko as he strolled with the Elder.
The journey to visit the Hall of the Majestic, and the magnificence of the journey, was unfolding for Moniko. The Elder had chosen to bring Moniko to the Hall of the Majestic so Moniko would have a better understanding and knowledge of the City of Light, how it was a part of all creation in the Sun.
As the Elder and Moniko approached the arbor of the celestial gardens hundreds of butterflies who now found a home in the garden greeted them. The butterflies held the colors and size gathered from all Universes at home in the Sun. “Elder,” Moniko asked, “Why are such vast numbers of butterflies within the gardens, when our home in the Sun holds the beauty allowing the butterflies to travel everywhere?”
“Moniko, the gardens are a passage of transformation, in traveling to and from the Hall of the Majestic. Butterflies choosing to be part of the celestial gardens do so in assistance of transformation to others crossing garden paths to the great hall,” the Elder replied. “The City of Light has many beings from all Universes of thought and creation. There are those, of the Sun, beings returning to our home in the Sun and at this time many beings finding their way to our home. As all cross the celestial gardens, transformation occurs. Separation becomes transformed and all beings are then home in the Sun, as one, without any need to be elsewhere. Celestial gardens are universal gardens created for all beings, the creation, and the beauty of the Mother of all Elders’.”
“I understand, Elder, as the paths through the gardens are brilliant with all forms of life being as one.
Therefore, all who cross the garden shall be at home in the Sun,” Moniko thought.
“Yes, Moniko, all are once again within the
Mother of all Elders’’ womb of thought,” the Elder responded.
As Moniko and the Elder crossed the gardens,
Moniko danced with the butterflies, and listened to the carpet of flowers, plant life and trees that would hug their path in the garden. As he conversed with the garden, Moniko held out his hands and sprinkled crystal droplets of water that shined like miniature rainbows as each drop landed, Monikos’ own energy was radiant with all colors of the gardens.
The Elder and Moniko came upon two benches at the end of the path, sitting at the edge of the garden. The benches created a half circle to greet another arbor, creating the entrance of a crystal path leading to the Hall of the Majestic. As they began to cross out of the garden to the great hall, Moniko turned and closed his eyes for a moment, breathing the essence of the celestial gardens throughout his spirit.


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