Never forget to let somebody know

Never forget to let somebody know

I thank you

I love you

I understand you

I am listening

I can be your rock

It takes more strength at times to walk away than stay

The only mystery to life comes when the messages are not heard.

Each moment is a beginning and end. It is when we wait to see it differently, life becomes a reflection of losses.

The only person greater than you .. is the one you assign as such to be.

For every closed door, a window has opened - have you stopped to view the vision?

Children are great teachers, through the innocence of how they view obstacles.. moving forward becomes easier.

"Prodigies" return with learned abilities - no one excluded,just unveiled differently.

The best day of your life is always still ahead of you.

 Miracles never cease to amaze. They only take on greater form.

You were born from a protective water world - yet you fear drowning. Is fear yet a safety net of existence?



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