Walk of Life

Passage taken from a writing I started years ago...   
Walk of Life

What this kingdom had with the species, that no other kingdom or galaxy could understand was an inner thought process, that each held with an internal destiny. A knowing, of being responsible for all personal actions and retributions. To kill was to kill a part of within, to judge was to judge within, to bring pain, was to bring pain within. Too love was to bring love within. There was the key, to the difference they held over all galaxies and universes. Love, was held.

Increasingly, more and more species felt this love as being a threat to their own well-being. The thought of bringing all that was bestowed back on them, brought fear to them. Love, was perceived as darkness, a void that could not be escaped. With that, fear brought out the most teachers that could be sought. Shadow galaxies and universes, were far stronger than this galaxy of light and love. For this light was not a need or want of the shadow galaxies. Yet the light was to be shared. How could you share the light and understanding with many dimensions that were found without need to accept? For there must be a master plan that could be created, where all dimensions could share in a vision, and be able to see the results if this light was unleashed unto an entire species. How this could be done, without being an act of desperation, and destruction. How could this be a way for all universes to see and understand love?

These thoughts were pondered for a very long time, but the galaxy of light decided that in order to bring this understanding to all universes; they would create a universe, within their universe, which could be observed by the shadow galaxies, and universes. A dream vision would be created, that all could join or leave at will, and find understanding. A great meeting of the highest of masters of all universes would be brought together, and advised of the plan for a dream vision to understand light and love. For this not to intrude on other universes, the dream vision would be built for light and love within the light galaxy. This would be done in simulation for all to observe. The plan was for this to become a utopia for all species to learn and understand love, and be able to reach the inner most parts of each.

The King of the light galaxy would create this dream vision, with beauty and grace. For this was to encompass the inner most beauty within the light galaxy. Within their universal space, a new universe was given form. Planets were created for the dream vision that were specific to creating the vision for all species to observe a likeness to their own galaxies, but would not intrude on the worlds that they claimed as their own. For this dream vision was to show how the love of the inner self, could become part of their universe, not to show others, how to accept outside of who they were. Many worlds were created, that were all specific to what needed to be shown for the vision. All forms of existence were found to be replicated. For this was not a plan for all universes to be of the light galaxy, but for light to be a part of all galaxies. A league of many universal masters and leaders were brought together to understand the dream vision. Ideas were exchanged between all. A plan was perfected for the dream vision, and now the King of the light galaxy would take this plan, and create the dream vision. All species of the universe, would contribute like attributes to the dream vision. With the hopes that light would become universal, but with special understanding to the species of all universes.

Of this dream vision, there would be a place of beauty, that all could observe as love. The destruction of galaxies could be seen from a perception outside of destruction. With this the mighty King of the light galaxy, started by creating an alternate universe for the dream vision. To create a space of pure beauty. The highest minds were called upon in creation. What was it that was needed to be formed, that was not already in existence for all to see? So was decided to create the vision, in a form that would be never ending and all form would be in constant continuance. From the center of the Kings of energy of love, a great prism was unleashed. For this new universe, was to be a reelection of the galaxy of light, so should this universe be a reflection of the responsibility that was being taken upon the King. All within the dream vision was to be a part of the Kingdom of light.

To do this, and not be of what universally was seen as oppressed, would be not to oppress those that would partake of the dream vision. For this each that was a participant in the dream vision, would hold free will and responsibility. To be of their own judgment, and understanding. To be responsible for their light, to be responsible for their love. And so it should be. For to create this new universe, and understanding of all species to find acceptance, so it was to have participants in the dream vision, become a part of this universe, with limited access to the galaxy of light. So thought, would be for the knowledge of light to be within each, whether directly connected to the galaxy of light, or so it should appear that this could be held in more of a sense of separation from being sustained entirely by the galaxy of light.

For that, there would be a shield in consciousness, where independent of the galaxy of light, light and love would be shown to exist with an internal knowing and acceptance of being of their own truth. For this, dependence would need to be found from their foundation of the world created in the dream vision. Being that this was to be of a dream vision, each participant would still have the connection of truth to their own real being. Knowledge would be accessible to their true self at all times. For this shall be their tie between the dream vision, and the true self. For each participant in the dream vision, a council would surround and assist the dreamer. Participating as needed, to help guide each through the dream experience.

For this dream, vision to find realization there was a place of impeccable beauty created. Being that participants would need to rely on their environment to sustain, rather than their thought process to create, a place was created that would sustain the needs for each to take a more solid form of existence. But how would this form be created? A need for a solid form had not existed.

The thought of this simulation was pondered throughout the known universes. Councils were held to determine how this might be brought into the dream visions. To take energy and form, and create a housing that could contain this energy in a form that would be able to survive and derive without the known substance that had always been available to rely on.

For this would take a shell, to become a functional energy able to survive at a much lower density than had ever been known. Although this was a dream vision, the vision would become reality to all participants of the dream vision. What was needed and how would this be constructed. For there would not be a housing suitable enough, that could sustain the mass consciousness to be taken to the dream vision. For this, there would still be a link to the real self. The real self.

The need to discover the real self was outside of the illusion that is being perceived in the dream. What was to be undertaken in such a magnitude that would affect the King of Light and all those that were a part of the light, was to take a vision that could be made real by the thought processes that were shared by all who would enter the dream at any moment? The intention was to have this dream vision to be so pure that all would know only of the goodness of the King of Light and the light of the heavens that was domain to the light.

The kingdom of light was the solace that fed the masses as one, if those from the darker universes to come and see what was being accomplished in a symbolic light universe, then there was hope for all, in all universes of the real world. This would be a universe to experience all that was desired. How perfect it shall be. As this dream was experienced, those who woke from the dream would be able to choose to return to the kingdom of light if the choice was to do so.



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