Everyday Miracles of Life

My older sister tells a story of many years ago, living in a small Kentucky town at the base of a mountain. One day a neighbor man called stating he was having a heart attack and needed help. Knowing the time span of calling an ambulance and having him transported to a hospital, she loaded her two young sons in the car and her neighbor. Driving him 30 miles to the nearest hospital and after waiting for assurance he was all right; she took the boys back to the car for the drive home. Her car was not performing right, so she stopped at the closest shop she could find for assistance. When the mechanic opened the hood, he looked at her and said, “I don’t know how you made this trip. All the belts under this hood are gone.” The belts were replaced and she proceeded to drive home again. By all logical rights, the  care should not have made the trip and/or sustained major damage by driving the distance and speed she had driving without the belts to assist. For her, was the knowledge this universe had provided exactly what was needed to accomplish the trip and spared any lack or despair in the process. 

Years ago, I lost two dogs I loved dearly within 30 days of each other. The spring, which followed brought another event with a Jack Russell, I had named Belle. My son one morning opened the back door for Belle and her sister Molly to run out too a  large kennel in the back yard. I was in an upstairs room of the house that day, when I heard a heart-stopping squeal from outside and the sound of a car slamming on the brakes. I knew in my own mind, one of the dogs had been hit. In that instant all I could say was “God, I can’t do this again – it is too soon!” A few minutes later, my son came to the door of the room I was in. 
He said, “Mom, something happened.” 

“One of the dogs was hit wasn’t she?”

“Yes, Belle was hit by a big car.”

“Is she dead?”

“No, she was lying still like she was dead for a few minutes – then hopped up and ran to the kennel as if she wasn’t even hit. Mom, the car was huge and she looked dead.”

We took her to the vet that day and left her for observation, only a scratch to the back leg. The vet told me she was lucky at 6 pounds she was not crushed. I looked at him and said, “You don’t get it, the car went completely over her from head to toe. He just responded with “I guess she is just one lucky dog!”
I really believe if you brought together a large group of people, > 90% of the group would have similar stories of how the unexplainable, still without explanation was remembered for the moment it happened with a gratefulness, which touched their lives. Life truly is an energetic miracle, which continually evolves with leaving us at times being unable to give a logical reason, yet logic becomes unnecessary. Moreover, just maybe if you pass your knowledge of what might seem illogical crossing your path, another will be more consciously aware as life is seen with eyes wide open. Yours and mine.

I cannot explain why I do the things I do, though I do give thanks my life is as it is. I would not want to be any other way. Every day is an opportunity to live life anew, if your dreams change then so be it. You cannot cancel out your destiny by finding it on either a path less worn or one, which has been worn well in the footsteps of others. All paths will take you to where you are destined to be. Miracles are no more than the impossible seen as possible, and is that not what makes the time where logic is unfounded, for you to find yourself in the eyes of the unseen logic which is made of divine timing between the seen and unseen.


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