Christmas Story - Song of the Dove
Once I was given a message by the Elder, on a brisk day in the Earth world an event was to happen which would change the energy of the visitors to the world.
Elder, came saying, "Moniko, I wish for you to be my special messenger. The energy over the Earth has become dense; voices of change in the prayers are now creating ripples throughout the universes. Do you desire Moniko to travel to Earth?"
As Elder spoke, my own voice paused, thoughts filling my senses of what message I might take to the Earth which would assist in restoring balance. As I found my voice again, like a lightning bolt of energy the words responding to the Elder were "I am already there Elder!"
Smiling back, Elder said, "You have learned well Moniko." As the messenger Moniko, you will take the form of the dove. On Earth, the dove is already accepted as a sign of hope and purity, allowing you as the messenger, to be the message easily."
Moniko, through the understanding of his home in the Sun, he also knew traveling to the Earth did not require leaving his home, rather allowing this consciousness to journey in another form, Elder and Moniko transferred their energy to the reflecting fountain in the City of Light. Allowing each to observe the vision of Moniko's travel to Earth, as the dove, while remaining at home in the Sun. Moniko steadied his energy allowing his energy to take the form of a dove in the Earth world.
"Elder, now that my energy exist in the form of a dove on Earth, what will my message be?" Moniko asked. "Moniko" Elder replied, "Now you and I will merge thought, allowing the dove to fly with all knowledge that is needed."
As they watched through the fountain into a reflecting pool of water, the tiered steps around the fountain began to fill with the beings of their home. The dove flew through the sky of the Earth world. Settling on a thatched roof of a home in an Earth land known as India and looking around the area where the dove had rested, Moniko could see a land that nature found peace.
"Elder, what message would be needed on Earth by a dove, in a land where nature is already at peace?"" Moniko, nature knows of peace even in chaos. Bridging the peace is the work of the dove. Earth being able to bridge the peace of nature and mankind will stabilize the energy at this time, look closer Moniko" instructed the Elder.
As Moniko looked closer, he watched as a Hawk attached itself to a mouse, taking the life force and destroying the peace of the mouse. The Hawk is of the energy of humankind Moniko, the larger more powerful thought attempting to remove the life force of the smaller peaceful thought. With the Hawk being the fear of the mouse, greater thoughts overtaking peaceful thoughts, fear consuming peace, a land of peace becoming more vulnerable to fear. I can see and hear your questions overtaking your thoughts through your eyes Moniko. What could a small beautiful dove do to change the view of the land, or the small space surrounding the roof where he rests? "Sing through the dove Moniko."
"Sing from your soul Moniko in the language of the dove. As you sing, call to the doves of all lands on Earth to join you. The song of the dove will harmonize a flow of energy, becoming infinite throughout the Earth for all time" Elder replied as his own energy began increasing.
Moniko looked away from the pool at the beings of the Sun surrounding the pool. In unison, they lifted their voices in song, the energy around the fountain created a beam of light intensifying the energy of the City of Light. Moniko looked back into the pool and merging his voice with the beings of the Sun they created a song carried through the voice of the do
As the dove began to sing, the Hawk came to rest on the thatched roof with the dove. Tones carried with the power of the wind to doves all over the lands of Earth. As the music carried on the wind, Earth beings in neighboring lands stopped and listened to the dove song. Many beings, which had carried the energy of the mouse, who cried and prayed for peace, found the strength of the Hawk and began to tell of the messenger song that was coming to the Earth world. Earth beings then started traveling with the song of the dove, choosing to follow the sKings gathered in a quest to follow the song, young and old found hope in the song in lands where the dove song was yet to reach, many had already heard the story of the dove song.
Traveling day and night, the kings were on a quest to find the place where the dove song would rest. On one such night, the dove song took silence. In the silence the Earth energy created through the dove song, now created a star to burn brightly, being seen over the lands of the traveling kings. Beneath the glowing star, a shelter was seen. Animals great and small stood motionless in peace as the traveling kings approached the shelter.
The dove sat upon the shelter as the kings approached. A baby had been born that night sheltered and protected by animals of all kingdoms. As the dove looked down at the baby, he sent his song to the baby and began to sing again. The traveling kings knew the baby was now of the dove, who had been told of being the messenger of peace, part man/animal/nature blended in harmony, and the kings laid gifts for the parents, with the hope that the baby of a doves peaceful song would bring a new message of hope throughout the Earth world. The star above was now so bright; the sign of the star beamed into the baby's forehead. A message of the dove given to humankind, with the wisdom of a home in the Sun to guide
The dove then took flight returning to his home in the Sun and another energy that had assisted creation. Moniko then looked at the Elder "Elder, the bridge of song is now complete. But who will this baby be?"
Elder, looking down at Moniko, replied "messenger sired, or in the Earth world Messiah. The Earth will see in him the bridge of men/animals/nature and all beings of your home in the Sun. The universal language of peace in a song; will not be forgotten. With the new messenger baby, becoming a heart song of the dove, in such Allowing our tones from home to forever align with the tones of Earth. You have done well Moniko, bring the tone home."