Like attracts like .. hold on tight!
Energy across our planet on the smallest of scales of comparison has taken a shift over many of the last months of 2013. Everyone knows of the phrase "like attracts like" and on some level understands the depth of the words. Like attracting like on all three levels of the conscious/unconscious and supra-conscious are being blended in removing lines/labels of separation. Like is attracting like as one, whether conscious/unconscious or supra-conscious.
Many feel this shift in higher anxiety levels, frustration and feeling mood swings of those who they come in contact with. From an earlier understanding of like attracts like, at the same time are declaring "this is not me!" Oh, though on some level – the like being attracted is very much each of us. Whether, clearly conscious and aware of, or the like or parallel on a deeper soul level looking for resolution and clarity of a thought process. Contentment which had satisfied days of their lives – now for many is finding an unsettling tone of being satisfied is not being content.
Warrior spirit at this time also rises up in finding resolution as well as deeds being committed which many would not consciously entertained in a deeper slumber and density. Babes and children are reacting from this blend in ways possibly at another time would have been non-existent, also looking beyond satisfaction to fulfilling contentment which lacks a true knowledge base of understanding. Many of our young feel plagued with thoughts much the same as scales without balance. Our warriors in service across this world are questioning on what level the fight will truly be over.
A time of soul expression possibly unlike, which has been recorded in modern history. Eyes wide open – yet not fully understood. Soul experience takes the form of the Never-ending story with each movement and thought process changing a page to come. Though it has always been of this way – "being heard" and "being experienced" become the "like attracts like", of knowledge rather than data referred to as history or holding on to the thoughts of another in finding the contentment of the self.
I have noticed myself in the workplace many now seem to look at walls while walking on the floor, instead of giving recognition to another. Communication breaking down and more so expression will say the words unsaid. What the eyes don't see – abandons recognition in the walk for many, yet every energy on this planet – whether human, animal or environmental has shifted from a comfort zone of slumber to an awareness of no longer being asleep. Awake in the dream-state before referred to the reality of life. How will this change the dream? It is a never-ending story - still unfolding as dreamers observe the dream consciously, unconsciously and supra-consciously with a soul wide open. Hang on, you never know which "like" you will attract next! The only certainty is "like attracts like' and you created the choice.