Birds of a Feather – we are one

  Sitting on my deck this morning, I was thinking about a movie I watched last night on Netflix titled The Last Keepers. A movie regardless of your belief system, perceptions, openness, bigotry, or possibly just a stretch of your imagination has something to offer any viewer. Togetherness as one energy, undivided by segregation or the thought of impossibilities. Just the opening to soul nerve to appreciate each for who they are.

As I looked at the huge old tree in the woods, a cardinal, blue jay, dove, sparrow, and small hummingbird all gathered in this tree on a winter day from parts unknown. For each to gather at a time inconsistent with the elements as one, I saw God today. If my mind had been rushing or not in the time, space and place I was the scene would not have become part of who I am.

When I wrote Moniko, from word to word I did not have the foresight to see the end of each parable. Yet, death or dying and being reborn were not a perception, which developed. When the mind is open to miracles, the impossible being possible, our lives take on a thirst for not planning and living for the time, we are in. Time becomes a value rather than being taken for granted and appreciation is found in the simplicity of just saying thank you for the moments, which are not rushing into oblivion. When time slows down into nano-adventures of being, truth beyond the perception becomes who we are.

Life could be said to be from the cradle to the grave, living is eternal. All causes of death, birth, adventuring and being a part of this universe as a mortal participant becomes divided when living is a segmented existence. Constant division created in future segments of years, activities, those who come into your life and leave your life becoming particles of the whole – betwixt and between those particles inexperienced, are millions of moments left unregistered to our thoughts. Significant and yet lost in an existence of rushing rather than being part of the true whole of living as one.

My scene of birds in the tree today was one not separated by the elements or seeing time ahead or behind, in the approach just a spectacle of living shown through a fraction of the winged ones of our world which could only have been engineered but through energy becoming one in harmony if even for a couple of minutes. I do not view God as a single entity of existence, more so being energy as a fabric or collagen of existence. Does this God have a voice? Very much so, though this voice is strong, in being expressed through all energy regardless of which form it may take or express.

God told Adam according to the words of the bible that he was made in God's image. For all known time, God has been thought to be the face of mortal man. Yet, if the perception was taken from God looking as Adam as an image of thought, rather than being seen as Adam being God's image – all images are of an energy transformed without being divided –we see the unique rather than the mortal.

Our world is transformed energy, one energy that like the birds on a winter day can be cohesive without being separated by thought, elements of guise of appearance. Time is not from the cradle to the grave – time is eternity with our choice on how to acknowledge, live, and be a part of the particles of creation – where nothing is everything and truth is too expanded on rather than limited. Be a part of the experience – your now is without limits.


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