The Emporer's New Clothes ... and Oprah
The Emperor’s New Clothes and Oprah
In headlines of recent weeks, a story emerged of Oprah Winfrey in Switzerland being refused the ability to see a dyed alligator purse. The clerk in the store did not recognize Oprah, nor did she need too. Racial bigotry? In Switzerland, even this claim does not resonate. A purse with a tag of 38,000.00 and a woman who to the clerk appeared as if she could not afford the purse added to a clerk who did not see the benefit of Oprah observing the new bag.
Using America as an example, the majority of American women still would shy at spending a week’s wages on a new purse, at 38,000.00 based on a week’s wages – Oprah’s appearance that day had to account for 1,976,000.00 annual salary on the low side in analysis for the clerk. Beginning to take on a bit different of a fold, beyond black and white to the senses?
What has yet to be revealed, when Oprah left to go shopping that morning, was she looking like 1,976,000.00? ON THE OTHER HAND, did she stand in front of the mirror dressed down, without the wig and makeup artist’s glamour bestowed upon her - and set out as “Oprah,” larger than the senses to the world? Unrecognized, was she walking money and fame from shop to shop? Oprah has yet to enlighten the rest of the world of her own opinion of standing in front of a mirror that day, “anonymous” to being Oprah and revealed the thoughts if done so.
What this has all reminded me of is the children’s story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” The king so proud and sure all who approached him were telling him the truth, the non-truth became hidden from his deepest thoughts. Until a young boy watched him walk in his proud new clothes with the wondering of “the king is naked – why are we telling him how wonderful he looks.” The clerk in Switzerland can either be seen as racist without reason for having Oprah go unrecognized in her thoughts or actions, and only being truthful in the appearance of the moment, as the boy in the story. Or, Oprah can see this event as an epiphany of her walk spiritually knowing not everybody has already viewed her and only her truth is the truth allowed to be expressed and accepted.
Oprah, you can do so much more – if money steps back and the heart truly take the lead. The clerk in Switzerland, who needed an apology more; her or the country of Switzerland feeling they should apologize to you - as the royalty draped in opinion of your own design. It takes a lot for somebody to say, what has not been said. Not out of malice, only from being a voice sent to cross your path – such as she was. Like a bird in the ear saying “Oprah, take heed – your purpose is much larger than your fame.” Live it!
This universe will giveth, along with having no hesitation to take it away. A sign of being as she says “Large” enough to be in her presence – is being humble enough to say “thank you” for seeing something I did not see today.
In headlines of recent weeks, a story emerged of Oprah Winfrey in Switzerland being refused the ability to see a dyed alligator purse. The clerk in the store did not recognize Oprah, nor did she need too. Racial bigotry? In Switzerland, even this claim does not resonate. A purse with a tag of 38,000.00 and a woman who to the clerk appeared as if she could not afford the purse added to a clerk who did not see the benefit of Oprah observing the new bag.
Using America as an example, the majority of American women still would shy at spending a week’s wages on a new purse, at 38,000.00 based on a week’s wages – Oprah’s appearance that day had to account for 1,976,000.00 annual salary on the low side in analysis for the clerk. Beginning to take on a bit different of a fold, beyond black and white to the senses?
What has yet to be revealed, when Oprah left to go shopping that morning, was she looking like 1,976,000.00? ON THE OTHER HAND, did she stand in front of the mirror dressed down, without the wig and makeup artist’s glamour bestowed upon her - and set out as “Oprah,” larger than the senses to the world? Unrecognized, was she walking money and fame from shop to shop? Oprah has yet to enlighten the rest of the world of her own opinion of standing in front of a mirror that day, “anonymous” to being Oprah and revealed the thoughts if done so.
What this has all reminded me of is the children’s story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” The king so proud and sure all who approached him were telling him the truth, the non-truth became hidden from his deepest thoughts. Until a young boy watched him walk in his proud new clothes with the wondering of “the king is naked – why are we telling him how wonderful he looks.” The clerk in Switzerland can either be seen as racist without reason for having Oprah go unrecognized in her thoughts or actions, and only being truthful in the appearance of the moment, as the boy in the story. Or, Oprah can see this event as an epiphany of her walk spiritually knowing not everybody has already viewed her and only her truth is the truth allowed to be expressed and accepted.
Oprah, you can do so much more – if money steps back and the heart truly take the lead. The clerk in Switzerland, who needed an apology more; her or the country of Switzerland feeling they should apologize to you - as the royalty draped in opinion of your own design. It takes a lot for somebody to say, what has not been said. Not out of malice, only from being a voice sent to cross your path – such as she was. Like a bird in the ear saying “Oprah, take heed – your purpose is much larger than your fame.” Live it!
This universe will giveth, along with having no hesitation to take it away. A sign of being as she says “Large” enough to be in her presence – is being humble enough to say “thank you” for seeing something I did not see today.