Perceptions, a will of creative thinking


Perceptions create the existence you are living. How you perceive, choose, and direct your thoughts according to your perceptions can be either a blessing or a curse. Regardless, we are the creator in either aspect. Perceptions change constantly throughout our days, months, and years of this human experience. When we choose to accept the influence of the perception of another, we choose to give our control to be determined by others.

Today I was reading of a person I know, in the last year being diagnosed with RA which resulted in not being able to do the job she chooses – a spiral of perceptions either created or given and accepted as being so has turned her world upside down. Unaware of the answers, she has further put her trust outside of herself into the hands of doctors, attorneys, and social systems to reconstruct her life. If she could only imagine a huge dry erase board in front of her, with all her perceptions looking back at her – could she see change in allowing her inner knowledge to create a new flow?

RA is a diagnosis, accepting RA allows the disease safe housing in a body, which will live around the disease and accommodate the needs of RA. You might say this is going a bit far in perception. I am not speaking from an outside quandary of non-experience in hopes of changing an outcome. Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with MS. Went through all the tests, looked at the lesions with my own eyes on film. For the next five days, I allowed this disease to influence my life. Read the prognosis, how it would change my life and eventually deteriorate life, as I knew had known it to be. Five days was enough, I refused to allow the disease to find a home in myself, I refused to be part of the diagnosis and I refused to let this disease to tag me with not only my own perceptions of the future, but those of others from medical to family. I was done with it, I chose to be free. Six weeks later, all tests were run again. No lesions and no evidence MS has ever found a home in me.

Our choice of perceptions to have and to dismiss throughout our life, continually change the course of our lives. Our worst perceived nightmares could make for our worst perceived life events. For a very long time, I have used a 30-second rule of sorts in the perceptions I make and thoughts I carry. Giving myself 30 seconds to be aware, conscious, and willing to change the thought and course of action it may bring through my own perceptions. I trust the guidance of this universe in allowing my 30 seconds to either go forward with a perception or wipe the slate of sorts in consequences of my perception. At the same time, doing so creates a continual self-accountability for my thoughts and perceptions. No blame elsewhere, I can either succeed or be my own greatest jackass in thinking so. Being conscious of your thoughts, perceptions and actions can change your world. Not being so, your world will still change according to your acceptance of thoughts and perceptions of others. As always, choose wisely.



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