Mystery School
The mystery school is one of the sought after, but yet the mystery lies in being without mystery. What is known and not being used tends to become the mystery of the conscious mind.
Choose and think back to the mystery. To become united in the un-conscious mind. As the mystery school is the truth of creation. Through the thoughts of being linked to so many various religious thought patterns of the conscious, mind on Earth. To perceive the truth that is all of truth unfolds to mystery and hence is thought to be a school of mystery. Mystery school in any form is connecting to the heart and soul of your truth. Your truth is not fragmented by secular religious thoughts that have manifested into the churches of this reality.
Is there any mystery in seeing beyond your present form? When you see, you see into the mystery or truth of soul and spirit. To journey could be termed a mystery, but is it not a journey of truth? What a person chooses to find beyond the conscious mind is then the mystery. Realizing becomes the school of understanding. When you look at your life with comprehension, you are also finding separation in what you choose not to comprehend.
Truth is not comprehension of what is known, truth is going beyond comprehension to allowing you to feel the answers that are sought. To feel the truth, to feel the desire of what is being observed. To feel the energy of what is requested.
There is no mystery in feeling, as there seems to become a mystery in allowing the feeling to be the truth and knowledge of the request. So child, in all forms of desire and request, allow and accept the feeling of the energy that becomes responsive to be the truth. Feel the truth, regardless of how the truth has been communicated.