Trust - A Belief System

For the last many months, my learning on a spiritual level has been surrounding trust. Not just as a word or act, but a belief system. Regardless of what doctrine you hold an affinity to, pick it up, and choose a passage of well-known words in your life. Since I was raised in a Christian environment, the bible would be one I can find this relational to. Without reading and just remembering the parables, I grew up reading and hearing about – trust as a belief system becomes the common thread or message given. The choice of trust or not to trust, creating lights and darks throughout the pages.

A book of lessons of trust displayed through many life experiences being told. Yet, when trust is a belief system, a new world of thinking starts to expand. Trust as a belief system changes bands of energy around each of us, which are created through our sense, and choice of belief. When the bands grow and intensify energy being recreated, all life as known begins to change as well. This same premise holds true for all belief systems or if chosen, none at all. Baby steps of introduction becoming stair steps in understanding. I choose for my understanding to become knowledge through experience. If I am to learn, I make the choice to experience the lessons rather than just accumulate data for reference. The process of gaining knowledge through experience has taken me to some of my highest and lowest points in doing so.

Along this path I have chosen, all major lessons seem to reveal keys, which unlock and loosen the self-imposed limitations of what is and what is not. I have found my guidance does not dwell on the bible being a book of record in being devoured. Messages intended to be gained from the book are understood for the intent of being written. How far can we trust mortality to spirit? Only one person at a time from within can answer the question. My dad three weeks before he died, was on a treadmill being tested and was code blue for six minutes. I remember that night seeing him and for the first time in my life, I seen him cry. Out of fear – no, all of his life he heard stories of when you leave this world; tunnels of light would be seen. He clearly for six minutes was gone from this world and did not see any tunnels of light, which made him cry. Did it break his trust? Not in the least, just a realization of a trust he absorbed rather than experiencing failing to be seen. Not an uncommon trait, rather being the most common in our experiences of trust in life. Trust holding boundaries created from outside of our selves – instead of from within. From within the trust can only be bound or shortened in relation to how we choose to hold a belief system.

Last night I had a dream of being in a downtown area and even though consciously this town was not familiar, I knew the surroundings as if this was my home. Throughout the dream there seemed to be a sense of urgency. Streets were dark in the nighttime. I would pass different shops I knew, yet I did not go inside. Having a constant vigilance as others would approach in the dark. One man I approached attempted to rob me, though with nothing on my person to rob – he went on his way. Then at one point after climbing stairs, which went up from the stores to a park area, a man with a gun probably 50 feet in front of me, pointed the gun and told me to lie on the ground. I lay on my stomach and kept watch on the man at the same time. I was not scared – though I was not going to be stupid in letting my eyes wander either. Words were not spoken, just watching each other. Out of nowhere I could see a wallet and sunglasses appeared on the ground in front on me. The man with the gun saw it also, coming forward to slide the wallet and sunglasses into his possession. As we looked at each other, I told him “God must have thought you needed that.” Looking inside the wallet and not for money, something caught his eye and he put the gun on the ground and walked away. As I stood up a couple appeared, a man and his wife and gave me a hug. As if they knew and understood, what just happened and the man with the gun was known to them as well. Whatever the man had lost within the wallet to him was worth losing a life without the contents in his possession. The trust he gained in having the wallet returned in the blink of an eye – completely changed the course of his actions as well. In addition, the watchers who appeared afterwards could not have been happier the man now felt a sense of freedom, hope, and his TRUST life had improved.

How you hold trust as a belief system can strengthen your life. I do not have a road map of how carrying a belief system in trust will change each day, I only know in holding the belief system and building on the energy, I have not experienced an adverse times built on expectation from outside of myself. Also knowing I am only still at the tip of really understanding the knowledge this experience will bring. Trust, what priority in life does this hold for you? I would really love to hear from you, either from the comment boxes or sending a message directly. Could a plethora of spiritual teachings be summed into one belief system? Just imagine how our world would change.



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