In "who" do you trust?

Trust, a word which is loosely used and yet ultimate, to look back through religious doctrine in many forms, parables and requests made by God of many names has been in requesting “Trust”. On the spiritual level, Trust is seen and viewed as ultimate and yet is held in lesser than form in experiencing life.

Giving and living in a state of Trust is a task undertook in baby steps, as each step is taken and realized as being of truth, again a larger step is undertook. Over many months, I have lived in Trust. Trust is given without exception, without pretense my way would fulfill as the greater of choices. As I have said before, I can be the greatest of skeptics and to experience is to achieve knowledge. Regardless of how large the granting in Trust could affect my life, I surrendered. Far too long, I have found worry as exhausting and in the end, found worry to have been unnecessary. So began the lessons of Trust.

Trust is all that was asked for in return. Not commandments, not living by doctrine or fear in choosing not to do so in my life. Only to relax into Trust and I can completely attest to a completeness in doing so. As time has gone by, my only question was “if this is all which is asked, why life has became so complicated in beliefs?” The mind spins in complexity, if not complex value is seen as lesser than. Imagine all, which could be written, or be without a need to be written – if Trust was the value in exchange for peace and the spinning of thoughts could relax into finding comfort in Trust.

Trust is not an easy pathway of life. Surrender is even less than Trust in being a comfortable state of being. Yet, it is the only state of being which will bring you back to the core and intake that you are, rather than who this world deems you to be. How far do you Trust – or where do you place your trust? Are you ready to answer the question – take your time, the question has been out there for thousands of years in the waiting!


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