Changing a < than to a > than in life

Changing a < than to a > than in life

In life we travel through many experiences which imprint a lesser than feeling which last from a moment to a lifetime. Many, being imprinted as children and not being released throughout life. I can remember a time in my own life, when sitting in the backseat of the car with my older sister and singing, my mother turned around from the front seat and informed me that my singing was monotone, whereas my sister was singing wonderfully. Having no idea what monotone even was, a choice was made not to sing again. If my singing was unpleasant to my mother, surely this would not be an effort to display to others. Simple words I am sure she did not remember, yet a stamp of lesser than became the imprint. God, turned this into a greater than and started filling my mind with an outlet, which holds all the songs I have heard which can be reheard verbatim by the artists who sang the song. A concert of sorts in my choosing always available and I do love music and could not imagine a day in life without a song.

My grandson Aidan, last Saturday just in fact coming from his room said, “Joel Osteen says if you believe, you can finish,” and on Sunday bought a book of choice in learning how to draw cartoon characters. He sat down on Sunday, spending the time with the direction of the book – he drew all the characters amazingly well. An imprint being heard from the TV with a positive message he took to heart inspired the greater than feeling from within. Aidan knew if his belief was strong enough, he could accomplish his goal from within. Children are amazing teachers, thinking in terms of removing the lesser than and attaining the greater than. Not just because they have been informed they are lesser than or greater than, with a sense from within all is possible. Imagine if the world as a whole would find this meaning, what a different world this would be. Moreover, will be, our future of this world believes so.

When Aidan was born, the first time I held him and looking at his tiny arms and legs of exposed flesh I could seen the most beautiful intricate henna painting on his flesh. So defined, colors were beautiful and showed the signs the painting which was still showing through he would carry in this life. For a little blondish red haired, fair skin baby – the signs were there of another time and place of acquiring strength and knowledge, a teacher taking a new life. He is spirited, strong, outspoken and yet tender to the core. Millions more such as him join him every day in this world; knowing and understanding the strength within will not be detoured. Lesser than or greater than, is only a definition set upon us, unless we choose for this to be our inner core.

Where we might find the lesser than, in understanding this is also the greater than in opportunity to understand each other, walking in the shoes of another in a way not thought of before. Choices abound if we just see the greater than is no more than a marker of re-embarking from lesser than to greater than in knowledge. The signs joined as <> are no more than wings to fly beyond and balancing from the left to the right with equal dimension. Be the greater than or the lesser than with the knowledge both together balanced bring us only into flight, no less or greater.


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