Point of Release in the Explosion of the Unseen
Explosion of the Unseen
Life would be so easy if in ultimate triumph,
the explosion could be defined.
Not so easily, as you would define a natural or
physical embodied explosion.
However, an explosion of what the world does not
reveal to you.
That which is embodied of spirit, feeling, aspiration, and all in the known world
which adrenaline's you.
Giving you that unseen substance which really governs your eternity.
The ingredients, which combine in creating your internal being,
Derived from infancy, childhood, joy, sorrow, literature, and environment.
In addition, if at some point the energies, which make you an alignment of high energy on intersecting paths; would result in the ultimate explosion.
How now do you explain the aftermath?
Relief, rebuilding, remorse, or re-enactment for the next
I wrote this piece many years ago, jotting down the words in a few minutes after coming home from work one day. Over the years, many times being brought back to these words with new meaning. Over time, I have realized when I reached into the words once again, I was entering another point of release in my life. Point of release, in my understanding is the approaching of a shift of energy and consciousness which completely recreates my world. All that is known in some form being released as either done or without need of continuing. I know now all aspects of my life which are intended to remain will, all aspects which no longer serve my path become folded into the point of release without a feeling of loss. Without understanding this, I can understand why many who reach a point of release do just that and let go in a sense of discontinuing; which is not necessary or the intention of point of release.
Do I know the outcome of this shift? Time will tell, and fear is not part of who I am. A major shift of energy within a lifetime is window yet to be explored within the lifetime, not a door of completion. Not a time of remorse, regret or being anxious for what might be loss, yet a time of knowing a greater window of my spirit is being given passage in experieince. New avenues to walk, new canvases to paint and new knowledge to gain and share. Will I expereince another explosion of the unseen in my lifetime? This would be left to what is yet to be seen.