"Energy by Choice" is life itself

Our world tends to over complicate and over analyze life, the meaning and the do's/don'ts of attaining possibly a better life than we feel we have. Through workshops, books, herbs, oils, attunement - you name it, a world searching for answers.

To uncomplicate, two phrases I have learned can reduce a mind boggling away of offerings into a much simpler thought form - reduce the clutter of the constant input of date while experience yet waits - providing at no cost that which is easily thought and attainable.

"Focus is the power of intent"
What you choose to focus on, you also choose the level of intent in manifesting.. when your thoughts are "focused" without being swayed by doubt, fear or feeling unworthy of attaining, the strength of the energy manifests. Where your thoughts are on an energy scale of 1 - 10, will determine "like attracting like" with responding action. Not being about low energy or high energy, only your attraction in the energy you choose to manifest.

"Energy by Choice"
This seemingly simplistic phrase has been complicated since time began. Absolutely, everything is ENERGY! Bar none, your life, world, existence and past/present and future is only "energy by choice". Representing how "you" choose to densify energy in your life. A rather simple visual of this would be a cake neatly frosted, undivided/cut/separated. A whole of the energy, yet we choose to slice this cake in want/desire certain to determine how large the slice should be in our life for well being/prosperity/growth, you could go on and on in the forms of how this cake could be sliced and diced while in the process creating a constant reduction of available energy for just the right "limited" slice. The same cake seen as whole and representing all energy by choice as whole, removes limitations.

When you "focus on the power of intent" knowing life itself is "energy by choice", manifesting your true desire in your world will happen.

Just a little FYI!



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