Children of a New World
A child was born into this world in 1994, from the first glance out of the nursery window after being born his sight was clear on all who were looking back at him. You could see his wisdom of thought already churning and trying to decipher life. His infancy lasted all of maybe six weeks, at 10 weeks when taken into a bookstore; his tiny hands were reaching for the books on the shelves. He was taken over to the children's corner and books were opened for him while he watched and touched the pages as if absorbing the printed pages he longed for.
By four months, he was already sitting up unassisted on the floor and now turning the pages of his growing library, which surrounded him, while being pacified in printed words displayed, and artwork stimulating his thoughts and at a year, now having taught himself the alphabet curiously consumed with reading the combination of letters being transformed into words. Fourteen months, phonics had become a self-taught hurdle accomplished only driving his curiosity in reading, drawing and learning more. At two, reading was now part of his life, with a love for drawing and creating images now propelling his curiosity even further. At three, a decision already made to become an animator with his reading climbing another ladder in the early stages of creating scripts to accompany his images in the future.
During these early years, his nights would fill with tales of traveling in a dream bubble, the places he would see and even occasionally speaking of being worn out because he "lost" his dream bubble and would have to find it before he awoke. As those around him supplied him with the tools of his passions – books/drawing tools/paper and trips to the bookstore, his thoughts and wonder were yet to be exposed to the timelines and normalcy seen as being a "student" of public schools. A time of being introduced to a timeline taped across his desk, which would indicate each time of the day his focused was to be addressed to a task and time, timeless nature that until then had not existed in his thoughts. A freedom to be as he chose was now being replaced with a drafting of how he would perform and look at the world. During his first year of school, intentionally at times he would find himself in a chair which sat in the cove by the door, slipping out quietly without being heard – his teacher would then receive a call from an upper class teacher requesting a return of this little boy from a classroom he had chosen to wander into and pull up a chair without a word said.
Unsure of how to "deal" with this child, soon a label of ADD became attached to his framework of the school years, though focused, well behaved and respectful – with a lack of understanding to determine another label, ADD was attached. In the third grade, each morning upon his entering the classroom his teacher would inquire of him whether he took his "pill" or not for the day. In the spring of that year, his mother unable to attend an IEP meeting for the quarter asked his grandmother to attend in her place. The grandmother, who stayed in observance during this year, entered the conference room with a table of his advisors ready to gather and report. His teacher offering comments of his exceptional mind and thought processing was then asked by his grandmother "If this is the case, why do you inquire each morning if he has taken a pill? Is he a behavior problem in the room or disturbing your class? What is your need in asking?" His teacher then replied, "Absolutely not a behavior problem, his thought processing is incredible and disturbing to the class in an untraditional form, is why I ask about the medication." His grandmother now truly puzzled asked, "what do you find disturbing, possibly at home we can help refrain this from happening and find a common ground." The teachers' only response was "when he has something to say, the whole class is at his attention – I will not have a student commanding that level of attention in my classroom, it seems with the medication he remains quiet and the problem does not exist."
After this conversation, during summer break that year all medication was ceased and not resumed in his life, also with the question never being repeated again by an instructor in his life. Now a grown man and still focused and pursuing his dream of animation, though in some ways he might sound unique – yet he along with millions more just like him populate this world, the visionary's with a purpose not trying to be found, a vision known to them at birth with the unwavering pursuit to attain. Not be chance, by choice of being here. Each birth in this world brings another pursuing in a quickening state, which now is becoming the common rather than uncommon among us. Given the tools of passion they flourish, thriving as if life brought them to our world on their feet and ready to run. Once thought to be indentified in smaller numbers as prodigies of their knowledge, now in numbers too great to count – each among us in a joined purpose to live and recreate the world of the future. Labels are often attached to these children from days of old, no labels are needed. I think the young woman from Montana last week in the Miss America pageant said it best "just embrace who I am." The children of our world embrace each other; find each other as if a giant jigsaw puzzle is constantly having the pieces connected with a future image unlike in proportion to what has been seen before.
Embrace the returning of the ancients back into our world, of one energy yet with many missions as if the greatest of corporate giants moved as one, in one purpose for a New Earth... they are here, hand the children the tools requested – each will know instinctively how to use them. As they grow in expanding numbers, labels and misunderstanding will no longer be a part of their lives, understanding and embracing will be part of all our lives.
Parents, you are caretakers of the ancients, soul decisions were made before you even incarnated to undertake the guidance and to supply the tools of passion of the children now. Coming to this world with the knowledge "death" does not exist, many also take early exits not seen in times past. Embrace each for who they are, rather than who you choose them to be on all levels, as you are – they are perfect beings here to enhance a world.