I am thankful for you - together we are one

From the stories told of the first Thanksgiving, travelers from another country after landing at Plymouth Rock in the hopes of being freed from religious and political prosecution they had known - found themselves becoming sick and dying. Food was short, lodging was still inadequate and medicine was almost non-existent. Homeless in a new world and doubting if the decision to leave all comfort for this new home, was the best decision.

They feared those who called this country home, unaccustomed to appearance, ritual and unable to speak the language of communication. In the birth of what we now term Thanksgiving - strangers which landed in a country foreign in appearance and comfort, took a chance on accepting the generosity of another through food exchanged and comfort given. Medicine of the Native American ways was shared to help the sick and dying, suggestions were given to improve areas of living and a new alliance allowed beyond the fear which had distanced their cultures.

Peace as we know, was not longstanding for the future of the land. Migration continued to the interior of this new country over time, adding distance and finding many new cultures already in existence for a land which at one point was thought to be vastly unknown. As people of this world, each day we still find the same struggles of adjustment beyond fear and acceptance of others in culture and choice of belief as it was on the first Thanksgiving in this new world.

Each day, our world is found to be newer in thought and pursuit found beyond fear and coming together in peace and a thankful world. Thanksgiving is not only for America, rather a pursuit of peace not in ignoring which is unknown or strange in culture and belief with acceptance and allowance for all to be as chosen to be with understanding.

For years, I have written Information is Data and Knowledge is Experience.. what follows is the understanding in bridging the data and knowledge which is unique to each. Understanding we are unique in interpretation and understanding, yet all is of one experience of understanding the same bridges are walked by all. Regardless of where you are in the world today, I am thankful for you - together we are one. Happy Thanksgiving Mother Earth for sustaining those on Plymouth Rock and Jamestown so long ago, as you do today. Grace to the source of all beliefs.



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