Energy shifts

Five years ago, leaving a friends house on a Saturday night, two blocks from her house I turned unto the main highway leading to the interstate and felt my car enter a energy field which pulled with a force through the car. The trip normally would take 30 minutes on the interstate in addition to the time on both ends in leaving her house and returning to my own.

During the ride home, even though being a busy Saturday night in the city - from the time of the pull until I parked my car 40 miles away, not one car was seen traveling anywhere near myself in the same direction. I could see the traffic going the opposite direction without any vehicles being seen going my direction.

At highway speed and residential speeds, the trip normally took about 45 minutes. That night, from start to finish - the trip only took 12 minutes at normal speed. Was I traveling with other cars which just were not in my scope of vision or a dimensional pull from the energy force? I found the trip interesting rather than a reason for fear. Feeling surely when I left the interstate more vehicles would be present going the same direction, though it was not to be.

On Thursday afternoon of this week, standing in the copier room at work, many floors in the air - I could feel an energy vibration above and below where I was standing with seemingly no one taking notice? I thought surely they had to feel this, or did they?

What I do know is at this time, our world is experiencing polarity shifts. Subtle to some, more evident to others or possibly being ignored to the masses, as we truely lack the cohesion across the world of tracking how enegy is felt globally, or do we and this is just not a "mentionable" by even our scientific community?

Our world is awakening at a speed quickening by the moment. Personal connections, media and being more open minded to what just possibly could be changes in our future. Religous communities are seeing barriers crumble with people regardless of belief open to search and seek personal truth and belief from within rather than doctrine.

I would love to hear your own experiences as well in an ever shifting dimensional world we call home.


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