Come to me as the child
Whether you agree/disagree with Christianity - most have heard the phrase come to me as the child. Everyone has a different perception of what is meant by the phrase, including myself.
A child is born in full faith and trust in which the caregivers in life will provide for them, feed them and love them. The faith is strengthened in TRUST unless life proves differently - they still find trust before faith in life. As they grow faith seems to become stronger than trust in life. As an adult, they choose a path of worship and hold faith in the path - though trust no longer is predominant in life. Prayer to succeed, to prosper, to find hope through faith is common - TRUSTING that faith is all that is needed becomes a belief pattern. Putting TRUST as a precursor to faith, is less likely. Cycles continue and belief patterns tell them cycles are intended in life. Are they though? Cycles can be broken and new energies created by looking again at the child within.
Wide eyed curiosity, asking questions, being grateful for all outcome of the trust. Being nurished by your point of belief as an adult as you did as a child by your caregiver you intrusted your very life in. Finding the trust of a child is not easy - observing a child and seeing the effortless motion they carry in life, if a game is not enjoyed the cycle of playing it again becomes distant - repeating tomorrow what saddened them today is not a choice made of the child, though the adult will repeat a saddened life and feel the cycle is intended as being so.
We forget how to move on, how pleasure is effortless in the trust we have that tomorrow is new. We hold on to memories, sadness, judgements and hositilities found through lacking acceptance of a friendly face/event for what has been offered rather than endless possibilities of potential failure or unrest in life. We have forgotten the teachings first learned in our existance - we have forgotten pure trust creates a faith, rather faith takes a higher ranking with TRUST being distant at times, yet the child within aches for the TRUST to be as is was.
TRUST is the fluid which creates outcomes prayed for in faith. Being an adult is not always wisdom used or sought - rather becoming faith continually redirected in search of the TRUST we have forgotten. Have the faith in yourself, to TRUST this universe to open those doors, break those cycles and more. It is yours for trusting, and so much more.