Not too long ago, I brought my website live again. Tweaked a bit, though the content is still there. In the weeks ahead changes will be added also. I took the website down in April of 2011, taking a year hiatus from the activity. My Spiritual Windows, when I chose to take the site down had a following of 1 million a year. Many would give me an idiot pause for doing so, yet at times I have been known to go silent in the physical world for days at a time; just going within where the conversation was much more than what was being heard verbally. Hiatus is over, as a person I had to make a decision of the level of obscurity or being a stronger outward presence in this world I chose to be.
At the same time, taking a closer look at others who have chosen not to stand so closely behind the curtain in who they really are. I have chosen to widen that curtain more and step forward. My Spiritual Windows was established in the fall of 2005, even though not so long ago on a timeline - yet seemingly eons in the progression of a world which is now more spiritually awake than in 2005.
Join me again on the website and here on the blog; as announcements of new affiliations I have made also become announced.