Fibromyalgia and medicine – My own thoughts and experiences

Twenty-five years ago, I was diagnosed with a relatively new termed disease call fibromyalgia, affecting the tissue system throughout the body with various points of pain triggered in different areas. Treatment was through anti-depressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, biofeedback, etc. At one point, I was taking 7500 mg a day in drugs to numb the neural messages being fed throughout the body from the brain/mind center. This continued for about three years, until one morning I woke up and flushed/threw away all medication I had been taking. To me, the affects of medication were far worse than the reason I began taking the drugs to begin with. At the time, I was working in a hospital and the same day I crossed paths with my own doctor – stopping her and letting her know, not all drugs were removed from my body and my life. She just looked at me and said, “You can’t do that! Some of the drugs were narcotics and you can not just STOP taking them!” My only response was “it’s already done and it is my choice.”

I never took the drugs again, or let the label of fibromyalgia be a part of my life from that day. I chose differently. I am not telling anyone reading this, to stop taking the drugs you are given, my decision was not your decision. What I did learn from fibromyalgia is when I walked directly into pain in life; pain no longer had a home within me. I have always thought fibromyalgia is greatly misunderstood because even in medical opinion the cause does not seem to reside in the physical body. We are spirit first and this disease itself was seen as part of an awakening of a neural process I was yet to fully understand. Neural pathways changing and opening with standard messaging to the body manifested in triggered areas of pain, as if the mind was in a state of reprogramming which could either be numbed or faced and allowed to reconcile with the physical.

Thirteen-years ago, after approaching a time in my life which would create periods of talking to people and although they were standing in front of myself, I would have the sense I was at the end of a long tunnel in front of them trying to comprehend what was being said from a distance. Depth perception was changing with the ability to sense depth at times seeming difficult. Encouraged by a friend to get it checked out, I went to a neurologist. He concluded another label of possible petite-mall seizures and arranged for an MRI and EEG. Conclusion “you do not have a tumor or signs of seizures, though you are wired totally different than what is normally seen – you’re abnormally “normal.” Once again, drugs were diagnosed with a script to deaden or eliminate the process I was feeling – the script I immediately added to the litterbag in my car. Over the next couple of months, the brain/mind-center reconciled change with no lingering affects in my life.

The first response of the medical community is to label and drug per statistics of the masses in review. If this does not work, drugs are continually tweaked and changed to revise the chemistry of the body via chemicals to create a physicality, which can be controlled. Focus studies are done with a limited vision to a specific core ailment or disease with all potential damage to other areas classified as potential side affects. If the drug as a potential side affect of assisting in the treatment of another disease, it is heralded as a break-through, if the side affect if negative it is labeled as having been informed of the choice.

I made the choice of not using the chemicals and focusing on the spiritual cause of treatment as a first method, without abstaining completely in life from the medical community – only choosing spiritual before physical cause. This is how I use energy to heal myself and assist in healing others, looking for the changes of existence and experience in how the spiritual manifests in the physical changes in our lives. As unique as our spiritual body is, so is the uniqueness of our own DNA structures – as we are not a one drug fits all embodiment.

I carry my business cards in my wallet and listen to those I encounter, not only to hear their words in connection to the physical pain in their life – but also to listen to what they are not hearing or acknowledging beyond physical ears as too assistance, if I can be of assistance, I hand them a card – if it is not to be, I say goodbye without interaction. Living from the spiritual side in a physical world of both understanding and misunderstanding all possibilities. Have I seen “miracles” of the human sense? Yes, though knowing miracles are not more than impossibilities – made possible!

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