Fate is what you create
At times, I learn more about the world of religious orders from a public bench than I could learn from books or traveling. From this bench, I have participated in discussions from people across the world without leaving home. A recent visit with a man from Bangladesh, gave insight into his thoughts on God being the all knowing and being open to fate at any moment. He said in his home, crossing the street could be fatal – not from traffic, but from the political system in his home. I can appreciate his thoughts, though I carry a personal belief that fate – can also change in a heartbeat. Riding down the local interstate years ago in an old pickup with my son, we came around a bend where all traffic had halted in two lanes. In front of myself, with no room to stop was a large flatbed – looking through the rear view mirror – a semi was also to close to stop. Although I was on the outside lane which bordered traffic at full speed continuing to pass, I had a decision to make and using the brake was not an option, knowing pulling out into the traffic I would be broadsided and not only myself, my son was potentially going to be injured also. I pulled out regardless as the only option available and was shocked at not being impacted in traffic. Adjusting to what had just happened, I looked in my rear view mirror again, and ALL traffic in the two lanes was frozen as if time had stopped. Counting from 1-10, the traffic resumed as normal. We constantly option to either be at the hands of fate, or choose a new fate.
Not too long ago, on this same bench – I had a conversation with an elderly man from India. After spending 40 years in the army in India, he came to America with his family. This man is easily in his late 70’s, and holds the appearance of a 50-year-old man – that in itself I also found amazing. Strong, outspoken about his country just as the man from Bangladesh – though without quite the sense of political unrest bringing him to this country. Even in times of a bad economy, his family was grateful for the opportunities of America and freedom to shop, buy groceries, and still be strong in their beliefs, which he termed as life itself.
Another woman I encountered on this bench had been in poor health with her back for years and as a result started looking deeper into her own beliefs. What she found to soothe her was Wiccan and the creed “harm no one,” feeling Wiccan had taken a creed not found in Christianity. She asked me if I had heard of Wiccan which I have and do have Wiccan friends, though I told her as I did the men from Bangladesh and India, I do not take any religious labels.
Religious order itself, is mortal – in the spiritual realms, religion does not exist as it does here – separated and fragmented parts of human belief. In the spiritual realm, any reasons for separation cease to exist. All parts are part of one whole, without names or labels of division. We have the opportunity during our life experience, to learn and exchange thoughts with those from all parts of religious orders, finding many have some point of overlapping – just as intersecting spheres from a larger whole. Saints too one religious order in our world – have many names. Yet are known by common names in the spiritual realms, undivided.
Spiritual realms are hard working energies, with a sense of what we might term Hierarchy. Still working on a common goal of raising the energy – not in competition, but in unison with many levels assisting in raising the level of energies.
With the Hierarchy only being relative as a higher level of energy can assist any energy on a parallel level and lesser –assistance is key. You are living a life right now invaluable to your spiritual self – having the ability to let go of labels, and be the energy you already are. Our world is aching to communicate and understand one another regardless of CNN or MSNBC, etc. would prefer you to believe. There are everyday people across our globe that hold no ill will to you or your existence – only a lack of understanding of the labels which are chosen to assign our life of religious order.
You have the choice to manifest your public bench, meeting place, as you desire to choose – and communicate. Do not worry about opening a conversation, just believe “when you make the choice, they will come,” and they do. Choose to be open to all people across the world, and the world will be a better place for doing so. I admit sometimes I feel like Forest Gump on that bench – but then who did Forest represent “open and honest” to lend an ear and be the ear at times. Some might say simple logic, let us hope so – it is time the complications of communicating on planet earth, become simpler and real. Can you do it? Can you share the part you have chosen in religious order and be willing to understand a new part, of the whole? God in any name or language is counting on you. Fate is what you create, what will yours be?