“Focus is the power of intent”

“Focus is the power of intent”

Beyond the Thinker, is the Seer

Volumes of information throughout history: have been written and dialogued about Manifesting - this article is solely being written from my own views and experience. Manifesting begins with a “thought.” Your thoughts do hold a power in the universe in sending a message of desire or relating your understanding through thought. Thoughts can be considered prayers to be received. However, thoughts alone become generalized and do not carry the uniqueness of transcending the thought into sight and visualization. The transition moves the thought into a higher personal reflection of the thought and steps into personal creations of the seer – You!

Many, contend they are incapable of being a seer of their thoughts, content with possibly limited times in their lives where thought and sight became aligned through a medium intercession. In truth, the medium intercession provided a grounding of energy – grounding absolutely anyone is able to find in the process of moving thought to sight. “Focus, is the power of intent” without limitations. Greater the focus, greater the intent, greater the resulting sight in your world.

Manifesting is using the focus of the power of intent to create possibilities from that which might have seemed impossible through relative understanding in mortality. Clearing your quantum energy into alliance and alignment without fragmentation or distorted spirals of being separated energy. In this world, we tend to live and break in separated forms, separating energy into politics, religion, emotional, spiritual, and financial and many more. Seeing each as being a separate entity to be discussed lived and acknowledged. Energy is energy and all is energy, a believe if set as a premise of understanding in your life bridges all separated energy into one flow, without a further need to examine each and create separate paths of flow according to thought without the sight of continuity.

One spiral dance strengthened by thought and recreated by sight. Your desires are your thoughts, moving those desires into form is done through using all senses including the sight. Applying all senses within the thought – manifesting is attuning to the process of seeing the thought, feeling that which you desire, using the sense of touch to feel the environment or focus of your desire, designing your creation with color, sight and sound. Being able to exist within the visual, you have created, much as you do now in your life. If the desire is material, all the interactions of the senses need to come together in creating the object of your focus. The car you desire, created with such and intricate knowledge of all your senses that it is just as solid as the one you drive, same applies to a home, vacation, children, job or destined outcome of your life. Through the process of thought, sight – into manifestation, all is energy of your creation.

It is not an easy process just left too be received. Are you choosing to receive your creation or what has been created for you? Are you content – to be less than you are? Without right or wrong, all is acceptable, with the grounding medium not being a physical entity, but the larger energy of your ability to manifest. This is not about a “Secret” ability – this is about alliance and aligning with the power of you and all your senses, brought together as one energy, non-fragmented or separated.

The process as with any other energy work is already free for you to access. It is within, and already in motion. Your creative processing in bridging the alliance of your energy is key in your focus being the power of intent. Whether your desire is material, or to see your Uncle Joe – always remember you hold the power! All choices are yours.


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