2011 Fall Equinox
2011 Harvesting
Fall Equinox
Today we enter into the Fall Equinox of 2011, a season from now until the Winter Solstice of harvesting your most intent dreams and desires from the seeds of the Spring Equinox. Passing through the stages of planting and growing into fruition now with the blessings of the Harvest Moon. Consciously or unconsciously, all in this world move through the phases of the Solstice and Equinox cycles of time.
As the creators, we never cease too engage our Earth and the Universe into synchronistic planning and reaping of our best-laid plans to manifest. This is a time when our world will see the results of what is needed to complete the cycle for 2011 in all areas of life – personally/financially/politically and spiritually as one without lines of division.
The energy forces of this year of cycles has been intense with the grounding energy from each mortal/plant/animal/cosmic energy changing the grounding formation throughout the Earth and universe, affecting the very core of structure and redefining the energy for the future. Just as our core, plates have gone through a period of readjustment, so has the Earth plates and the portal plates, which surround us. Shifting and adjusting in creating chaos as seen in earthquakes and the readjusting aquatic nature of our waters and the changing of sensing patterns of the animals alike, with what has seemed to be the confusion of nature – now balanced and ready for the new calm of the Equinox.
Nature being balanced with man/woman being forced to align in the balance, rather than man/woman being the predominant in creating the balance. New clarity is the horizon of this season of Equinox. Technology being used to create the open intersections of our lives and providing the electrical impulses of a crystalline planet already in place. Amongst all we have seen as being unbalanced in life, the spiritual essence of this world only continues to increase and become the predominant rather than separated and secluded behind the doors of separation of religious doctrine.
Mortal seeing mortal as a reflection of himself or herself, regardless of ethic heritage, faith, or home of origin. As the seas and mountains have blistered and released, as a planet we are learning to release the blistering of the ages of separation. Rather than just being influenced, we choose to be of our own influence in the choices of our world as we move into 2012, moving to a completion of a cycle which as separated that which exist and that which is only thought to have existed becoming a merge of all.
The cycles of creation stretching through eons of the Equinox and Solstice cycles of humanity, finding a closer and realized unity. Doors and windows of the anew less the fear of change. We are no longer a material world comprised of mortal hope, but a world of quickening manifestation and accountability in the desires whether good or bad of our own creation. With absolutely everything is being energy – a world that will learn to manifest the energy into our material desire rather than creation being only of what man has lead into being. We are on the cusp of changing the energy of the future through thought and desire, manifesting, and creating from our spiritual self at a quickening pace unseen before. As you pass through this harvesting season of change, you will also become more intent to the breakthrough of the Solstice of 2011 – the thought and planning season of the changes of 2012. There is nothing to fear, only embrace the becoming of the larger you that already exist.