Photo by Christa Myers-Lewis
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If I could picture a beautiful site, my first impression would be the ocean with dolphins leaping from the water. Within the vision, a very bright light appeared between the dolphins. Concentrate on the light you see.
For we are traveling to a world where just such a vision is true. The world of Sansara. Sansara is a world yet to be known to the Earth world. Sansara is a beautiful star in a universe far beyond present Earth knowledge. But yet, ever so close.
Sansara is a world of ocean, coloring the world with multitudes of shades combining blue and green. Land area on Sansara, though small in comparison to the ocean, holds a resting space of observation to those who choose to be part of a world beyond the needs of massive formations of land.
The sea shines brightly on Sansara, creating prisms of light as the light touches the water. Rainbows of all colors fill the world above the ocean world.
Sansara is one of the oldest of all worlds, of all universes. Beings of the ocean world Sansara are the keepers of the tones of the universes, when sent beyond Sansara, become the language of all worlds recreated from the tones of the ocean world.
All beings of Sansara have a home in the oceans. Landforms become resting areas for those beings to be of the land, as the water. Come with me now, as I take you on an adventure to Sansara. Sansara holds the energy of consciousness.
We shall journey to the world of the dolphin beings. In Moniko’s home in the Sun, the dolphin is of the air, as being of the ocean. Within Moniko’s home in the Sun, there is one dolphin which a knowledge and understanding was exchanged with Moniko, as Moniko then gained the knowledge of the world of Sansara.
Let our adventure begin.
As Moniko was sitting on a huge cliff above the sea in the Sun, he took notice of the spirit of a very young dolphin swimming. Though Moniko had observed dolphins in the Sea in the Sun, the dolphins chose to be in the air above the sea.
Whether the dolphin took to the air or sea, they chose to travel together. For Moniko to see a small dolphin alone in the sea, observing no companions with the small being, Moniko became curious. Moniko leaped from his space high on the cliff, and flew down to the edge of the Sea in the Sun.
Moniko watched as the small dolphin continued to swim alone. As Moniko was now closer to the small dolphin, he heard the calls coming from the young being. Tones Moniko had known of the dolphins always sung out with joy. Elder had told Moniko long ago; the tone of the dolphin rang through the universe to calm all in choices being made. Now Moniko stood listening to a tone from the young dolphin that he did not have any knowledge of, or understood.
Moniko listened even more intently, hoping to understand. Elder then appeared next to Moniko.
“Moniko, What are you feeling as you listen to the young being”? “I am feeling energy that I am not accustomed to Elder. I feel remorse from the spirit of the young dolphin, and this I do not understand.
How could the young dolphin be feeling remorse on our beautiful home in the Sun? And how could it be, that he has chosen to swim alone, when the numbers of other dolphins in the Sea and Air of our home choose companions? “ Moniko asked.
“This young spirit Moniko has yet to choose to be at home in the Sun. He is longing for his home on the world of Sansara” elder responded to Moniko. “Sansara, Elder? Why would he long for another world, when our home is a return to the beauty for so many beings? Moniko seemed very puzzled as he asked the Elder.
“Moniko, Sansara is of the oldest worlds in all universes. Many worlds chose the creation of Sansara to build and energy from for another world. The Sun was created from the image of Sansara to be a new world, created with the beauty of Sansara, but yet imaged to accommodate those of all worlds and universes. Sansara is a world of ocean. The beginning of tones being emitted and magnified throughout the waters creating language, and from that all might choose to recreate as melodies of confirmation. The dolphins are the true wisdom creation was given birth from. Calls of the dolphins echo light into being for
all to share. Elder told Moniko as he touched the crown of the young spirit of the Sea.
“Elder, how may we assist the young dolphin spirit to return to Sansara? If this is where he longs to be until the choice is made to be a part of our home here in the Sun?” Moniko asked.
“Moniko, the young dolphin followed a sphere of energy in Sansara as other dolphins chose to journey beyond Sansara. To return to Sansara, the young spirit would need to choose to follow another sphere of energy home. As you connect Moniko to the energy of where you choose to journey and take form, so shall this young spirit. This shall also be an adventure for you Moniko to understand his peace on the ocean world” Elder said as he touched Moniko on his crown.
“Elder, how shall I assist the young dolphin?” Moniko asked.
“ First, you must communicate with his energy. Connect to his desires that he holds. For this, is to be his decision and for you to honor the choice of another Moniko” the Elder said with great intent, “Focus on the tones of the young dolphin, as being a tone for you to communicate”.
Listening to his calls, Moniko merged with the energy of what he was hearing. As Moniko listened with pure thought for the dolphin, tones were changing. The tone of the dolphin became clear to Moniko and he understood. The young dolphin called to be released from the Sun, to return to his Elders, at home in Sansara. The dolphin appealed to Moniko for assistance.
“Elder, I shall return the young dolphin spirit to Sanasara. I shall fly to him, being pure of thought, and understanding his decision. I shall create another energy sphere focused on returning him to Sansara”
Moniko hugged the Elder “As I do this, I shall also always remember to honor all decisions of all beings, with the understanding and love for the choices being made.”
Moniko then opened his arms and flew over the Sea, hovering above the young dolphin. As Moniko thought of the exchange of communication he shared with the young dolphin, Moniko felt his energy expand. As the thoughts grew in his heart, his energy sphere grew also. Moniko called to the young dolphin, offering to return his being to Sansara. The tone of the young dolphin then changed to the familiar tone of the dolphins of the Sun, pure joy, and excitement. The young dolphin then leapt from the Sea to the sphere of energy Moniko had created. Moniko then listened again, allowing the young dolphin to focus the energy of the sphere on his home in Sansara. In a quick moment, the sphere of energy was now over the ocean in Sansara.
Moniko absorbed the beauty of the ocean world, then understanding Elders’ words as Sansara being a focus of creation for all worlds and beings to partake, and be a part of the ocean world. As Moniko hovered over the ocean great numbers of dolphins gathered. As they did the rainbows of the world seemed to penetrate, coloring the dolphins in beams of energy colored of all worlds. The young dolphin then leapt from the energy sphere, rejoining all that were present to welcome him home to Sansara. As he did, a brilliant glow filled the ocean world, showing appreciation to Moniko for assisting the return of the young dolphin spirit.
As they did, a great crystal appeared to rise from the ocean, magnificent and perfect. Standing atop the crystal was the Goddess mother of Moniko. “Moniko, my son energy, at this moment you have transcended all worlds in understanding to be humble of yourself in assisting another, is not of sacrifice to who you are. But to do so, is growth beyond limits.”
Moniko then flew from his energy sphere, to the crystal mountain of his Goddess mother. As their energy merged, the crystal mountain descended into the ocean world. The descent brought Moniko and his Goddess mother back to their home in the Sun.
The ocean world of Sansara was yet another beautiful layer of creation of their home in the Sun. As the Goddess escorted Moniko from the crystal mountain unto his home in the Sun, Elder waited.
“Moniko as you journeyed to the world of Sansara, you journeyed into expansion of understanding of all worlds being as one, but yet chosen to be complete in many forms. As your energy shines in your home in the Sun, your energy also has merged with the light Of Sansara. Welcome home young spirit!”
Elder said to Moniko as he embraced their light as one.
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If I could picture a beautiful site, my first impression would be the ocean with dolphins leaping from the water. Within the vision, a very bright light appeared between the dolphins. Concentrate on the light you see.
For we are traveling to a world where just such a vision is true. The world of Sansara. Sansara is a world yet to be known to the Earth world. Sansara is a beautiful star in a universe far beyond present Earth knowledge. But yet, ever so close.
Sansara is a world of ocean, coloring the world with multitudes of shades combining blue and green. Land area on Sansara, though small in comparison to the ocean, holds a resting space of observation to those who choose to be part of a world beyond the needs of massive formations of land.
The sea shines brightly on Sansara, creating prisms of light as the light touches the water. Rainbows of all colors fill the world above the ocean world.
Sansara is one of the oldest of all worlds, of all universes. Beings of the ocean world Sansara are the keepers of the tones of the universes, when sent beyond Sansara, become the language of all worlds recreated from the tones of the ocean world.
All beings of Sansara have a home in the oceans. Landforms become resting areas for those beings to be of the land, as the water. Come with me now, as I take you on an adventure to Sansara. Sansara holds the energy of consciousness.
We shall journey to the world of the dolphin beings. In Moniko’s home in the Sun, the dolphin is of the air, as being of the ocean. Within Moniko’s home in the Sun, there is one dolphin which a knowledge and understanding was exchanged with Moniko, as Moniko then gained the knowledge of the world of Sansara.
Let our adventure begin.
As Moniko was sitting on a huge cliff above the sea in the Sun, he took notice of the spirit of a very young dolphin swimming. Though Moniko had observed dolphins in the Sea in the Sun, the dolphins chose to be in the air above the sea.
Whether the dolphin took to the air or sea, they chose to travel together. For Moniko to see a small dolphin alone in the sea, observing no companions with the small being, Moniko became curious. Moniko leaped from his space high on the cliff, and flew down to the edge of the Sea in the Sun.
Moniko watched as the small dolphin continued to swim alone. As Moniko was now closer to the small dolphin, he heard the calls coming from the young being. Tones Moniko had known of the dolphins always sung out with joy. Elder had told Moniko long ago; the tone of the dolphin rang through the universe to calm all in choices being made. Now Moniko stood listening to a tone from the young dolphin that he did not have any knowledge of, or understood.
Moniko listened even more intently, hoping to understand. Elder then appeared next to Moniko.
“Moniko, What are you feeling as you listen to the young being”? “I am feeling energy that I am not accustomed to Elder. I feel remorse from the spirit of the young dolphin, and this I do not understand.
How could the young dolphin be feeling remorse on our beautiful home in the Sun? And how could it be, that he has chosen to swim alone, when the numbers of other dolphins in the Sea and Air of our home choose companions? “ Moniko asked.
“This young spirit Moniko has yet to choose to be at home in the Sun. He is longing for his home on the world of Sansara” elder responded to Moniko. “Sansara, Elder? Why would he long for another world, when our home is a return to the beauty for so many beings? Moniko seemed very puzzled as he asked the Elder.
“Moniko, Sansara is of the oldest worlds in all universes. Many worlds chose the creation of Sansara to build and energy from for another world. The Sun was created from the image of Sansara to be a new world, created with the beauty of Sansara, but yet imaged to accommodate those of all worlds and universes. Sansara is a world of ocean. The beginning of tones being emitted and magnified throughout the waters creating language, and from that all might choose to recreate as melodies of confirmation. The dolphins are the true wisdom creation was given birth from. Calls of the dolphins echo light into being for
all to share. Elder told Moniko as he touched the crown of the young spirit of the Sea.
“Elder, how may we assist the young dolphin spirit to return to Sansara? If this is where he longs to be until the choice is made to be a part of our home here in the Sun?” Moniko asked.
“Moniko, the young dolphin followed a sphere of energy in Sansara as other dolphins chose to journey beyond Sansara. To return to Sansara, the young spirit would need to choose to follow another sphere of energy home. As you connect Moniko to the energy of where you choose to journey and take form, so shall this young spirit. This shall also be an adventure for you Moniko to understand his peace on the ocean world” Elder said as he touched Moniko on his crown.
“Elder, how shall I assist the young dolphin?” Moniko asked.
“ First, you must communicate with his energy. Connect to his desires that he holds. For this, is to be his decision and for you to honor the choice of another Moniko” the Elder said with great intent, “Focus on the tones of the young dolphin, as being a tone for you to communicate”.
Listening to his calls, Moniko merged with the energy of what he was hearing. As Moniko listened with pure thought for the dolphin, tones were changing. The tone of the dolphin became clear to Moniko and he understood. The young dolphin called to be released from the Sun, to return to his Elders, at home in Sansara. The dolphin appealed to Moniko for assistance.
“Elder, I shall return the young dolphin spirit to Sanasara. I shall fly to him, being pure of thought, and understanding his decision. I shall create another energy sphere focused on returning him to Sansara”
Moniko hugged the Elder “As I do this, I shall also always remember to honor all decisions of all beings, with the understanding and love for the choices being made.”
Moniko then opened his arms and flew over the Sea, hovering above the young dolphin. As Moniko thought of the exchange of communication he shared with the young dolphin, Moniko felt his energy expand. As the thoughts grew in his heart, his energy sphere grew also. Moniko called to the young dolphin, offering to return his being to Sansara. The tone of the young dolphin then changed to the familiar tone of the dolphins of the Sun, pure joy, and excitement. The young dolphin then leapt from the Sea to the sphere of energy Moniko had created. Moniko then listened again, allowing the young dolphin to focus the energy of the sphere on his home in Sansara. In a quick moment, the sphere of energy was now over the ocean in Sansara.
Moniko absorbed the beauty of the ocean world, then understanding Elders’ words as Sansara being a focus of creation for all worlds and beings to partake, and be a part of the ocean world. As Moniko hovered over the ocean great numbers of dolphins gathered. As they did the rainbows of the world seemed to penetrate, coloring the dolphins in beams of energy colored of all worlds. The young dolphin then leapt from the energy sphere, rejoining all that were present to welcome him home to Sansara. As he did, a brilliant glow filled the ocean world, showing appreciation to Moniko for assisting the return of the young dolphin spirit.
As they did, a great crystal appeared to rise from the ocean, magnificent and perfect. Standing atop the crystal was the Goddess mother of Moniko. “Moniko, my son energy, at this moment you have transcended all worlds in understanding to be humble of yourself in assisting another, is not of sacrifice to who you are. But to do so, is growth beyond limits.”
Moniko then flew from his energy sphere, to the crystal mountain of his Goddess mother. As their energy merged, the crystal mountain descended into the ocean world. The descent brought Moniko and his Goddess mother back to their home in the Sun.
The ocean world of Sansara was yet another beautiful layer of creation of their home in the Sun. As the Goddess escorted Moniko from the crystal mountain unto his home in the Sun, Elder waited.
“Moniko as you journeyed to the world of Sansara, you journeyed into expansion of understanding of all worlds being as one, but yet chosen to be complete in many forms. As your energy shines in your home in the Sun, your energy also has merged with the light Of Sansara. Welcome home young spirit!”
Elder said to Moniko as he embraced their light as one.
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