Question # 10 – How would you answer?

Question # 10 – How would you answer?

10) Can I be the blessed saint that my future happiness will always remember?

Here's the explanation for what sounds like a strange question. I have a poem called "Coleman's Bed" about a place in the West of Ireland where the Irish saint Coleman lived. The last line of that poem calls on the reader to remember "the quiet, robust and blessed saint that your future happiness will always remember."

We go to places of pilgrimage where saints have lived, or even to Graceland, where Elvis lived, because these people gave something to the rest of us—music or good works— that has carried on down the years and that was a generous gift to the future.

But that blessed saint could also be yourself—the person who, in this moment, makes a decision that can make a bold path into the years to come and whom your future happiness will always remember. What could you do now for yourself or others that your future self would look back on and congratulate you for—something it could view with real thankfulness because the decision you made opened up the life for which it is now eternally grateful?

David Whyte is the author of The Three Marriages, Crossing the Unknown Sea, and poetry collections including River Flow and Everything is Waiting for You.

In 1990, the position of director shifted where I was working and the incoming was a retired military officer. Very different from the years of established rules and doctrine of our former director who had been in place for over two decades. A time had come to move operations into the technology age and his predecessor stepped down and retired rather than enter into the time of change. The hospital of the past had evolved now into the age of information technology and the future. 

One of his first requests of the year was to read a book, and as the request was made he told of a section of the book where the author asked others to visualize themselves looking into the casket of their own lifeless body in the future and asking how they felt and contributions which were made in life. 

Reading the article above, the first nine questions asked I did not find profound in asking, number 10 I have. My own writings for many years have been done with the premise of looking within, rather than following in life. Being the leader, of your soul and purpose and creating the outcome, one day or moment at a time.
A former sister-n-law of mine was given her final services, this week, which created some soul searching of my own once again in this line of questioning. The last ten days of her life probably included more of a need to resolve issues with those closest to her than during decades of her life, yet still this time was seen as vague to many in finding peace in life in relation to peace in dying or leaving this world. 10 days, many times unavailable to a person leaving this world. 10 days, which may never come nor should life, have a contemplation of an ending 10 days of remorse. We have today, this moment as a compiling of our life with nothing guaranteed beyond time already spent in the process of life. Though she might not have seen 10 days of blessings, she was granted such. We have today to reflect on life without being predisposed or granted any moments beyond. We have this moment to ask ourselves question number 10 above and formulate an answer. How would you answer the question or be the witness to your final services of your life? 

Absolutely, everything you have done in your life has created an affect on the life of another, even in your quietest moments of solitude your energy transmitted and connected with another. You cannot change what was, though you can reimage a higher affect to be remembered by. Waiting for the final days of your life on Earth, might be a time of non-existence in the future. Life is the review and the recreation each day, hour and moment of existence. Now is the time to reflect on the undone and recreate into the resolution of days gone by. As much as I personally have a diversion to any labels in life, when we leave this world – many will have a word or label in simplistic explanation of our life. Only we can affect the labels created and remembered beyond our time in life. Question # 10 or 10 days, the memory will be ten fold for eternity to our lineage and the imprint of our existence. How would you answer a question only you can comprise the answer for? The process is continual, one moment at a time.


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Anonymous said…
Complex Post. This enter helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot
What was your assignment on?

Thank you,

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