Be not forgetful to entertain strangers
Hebrew 2:13
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares
In the late 90’s, a friend of mine gave me four framed plaques – each with different inspirations. Always having the frames on the wall, this past Sunday was maybe the first time to “read” this plaque. A symbolic gesture always appreciated without absorbing the content. Over the course of my life, the wording on this plaque has become a code of life to me. We never know, whether aware or unaware who we entertain during the days of our lives. Having spirit present them to me, many times in appearance as solid as physical, with only realizing after the fact who I entertained. So, I make a point of my life to entertain all strangers as angels unaware.
Yesterday I was talking to a woman in a check out line shopping for her brother who has MS. A monthly venture on this day had left her a bit overwhelmed and wondering how she would complete her own task for the day with just a few hours left. I listened and told her after she was done speaking, how I felt her grace in doing for her brother would be repaid regardless, she was his angel he looked towards today in helping him prepare for the month ahead. She then began talking about his small beagle, which seemed to be denied in the process of the disease of having the opportunity of running and playing outside as he might be doing otherwise. I told her I really believed the small dog was happy and content in sharing the love of her brother rather than running, he was happy and selfless in love. If the companion could have another choice in its life, he would return to the choice of being there for the love. I may never see this woman again, or do I consider myself an angel – just entertaining a stranger.
In life, we tend to look to the tomorrows, laying judgment on yesterday and today. In the process we miss the moments of interaction given for moments of what if, it could be different. We are the difference, in how we choose to interact with the stranger moments in our lives. In a single unannounced moment of life, we do not plan and stage our responses – we only flow from within. Unwritten, yet written for all time; to the strangers in our lives. One moment today spent letting go of all else and allowing a flow to transpire without judgment and only praise for another can change the course and thought from negative to positive not only to one we meet, but also the next person they meet as the flow carries. This happens regardless, for good or bad. It is our choice in allowing a flow or changing the direction of the wind of interaction with the strangers we entertain in our lives.
Choose to be the aware to the unaware today. Consciously choose to create a flow, which carries a new energy. You are the consciousness of your life, aware or unaware. Who have you chosen to entertain today – the traveling eyes you meet may just be your angel unaware.