World at war over beliefs

World at war over beliefs

Today one of the headline stories on tells how almost 100 people have either died or been injured over the act of Pastor Jones of Florida and his choice to burn the Quran. After blatantly holding this country hostage in trying to prevent this act from happening months ago, Pastor Jones, and his congregation followed through in the burning of the Quran, shielding their act as in alliance of God against the beliefs of others. Wars bursting through our news headlines across this planet, with one common link – the choice of belief and the oppression in being allowed to believe as people choose. 

The choice of belief has long been a common link throughout the wars in this world since recorded times and events. Religion has been used and abused in the name of God in being a shield to protect acts of violence and aggression against humanity. In the name of God, people are killed and understanding remains to be sought in the process. Missionaries are sent out across the world to convert rather than emissaries to understand the beliefs of others. Our world in the 21st century still lacks the development of a world council of beliefs. Understanding a path of another, which has existed longer than can be documented, is translated into a need to convert to a path felt righteous and secular in the process. A mission to reshape the heart and soul of another to conform will never be completed. Our identity is part of our soul design; the design was not created in hate or meant to be hated by another. 

Either understanding how the contribution each path of belief contributes to the whole is a spiritual alignment, which can be allowed to find peace on the path of destiny, or one continually oppressed in attempts to shield one from another becomes an explosion when contained. Our world continues to recycle oppression rather than understanding. Pastor Jones and Pastor Phelps of the USA, hide behind their church/religion/beliefs in exercising messages and acts of hate based on freedom or speech and religion, while attacking and claiming responsibility in God’s name. Neglecting any respect of freedom of church/belief/religion of those, they attack and desecrate. They are not alone, transposing their names across the world to other religious leaders, politicians, and activist who choose to condemn rather then understand. 

To be a world of one, a unity, which goes beyond tolerance to acceptance, needs to be created. Rising above condemnation and low energy acts of aggression into allowing a freedom of belief born of higher energy. Bringing all beliefs into one alignment of council for the world, of the world we live in. Sounds futuristic let us hope this is more than a future beyond our lives and those of our lines of legacy. 

YOU, today have the choice of allowing the formation of a council of unity to unfold. Talk to your children, grandchildren – create a legacy for yourself of opening those you love to become emissaries of understanding. Encourage them to read, meet and absorb the knowledge of all beliefs without barriers. Teach those of your legacy to be informed rather than live their lives in barriers of secular belief. Allow your legacy to bring the inner faith, outward and beyond for a better world so they may see within the legacy you have created the fruits of all beliefs feeding a stronger, unified humanity. There is hope, the teachers of tomorrow are here today – whether newborn or elderly if the choice to understand is a choice of the heart freely. This does not start from outside of us, it only starts from within each of us. When your energy meets another – what is your message? Bigotry, hostility with the right to domination, or the ability to understand the larger design of the soul of another. 


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