Power of predictive thinking

Power of predictive thinking

January 31, 2011 – a day predicting the largest, strongest winter storm in distance and volume many areas have seen for a very long time. As a result, people from all across the country are now shutting down schools and government in prediction – in some areas this will be a valid momentum, in others far less severe. Predictive thinking on a grand scale in motion, while watching actual radar screens for my own area today in comparison to predictive thinking the match has yet to be made. Oh, this is not just about a winter storm; this is about the power of thought creating what has yet to be seen. Powers of thought gathering strength from masses of believers and creating the density in making is so, albeit – predictive thinking. 

Our earth at this time is experiencing the power of predictive thinking more so than maybe known in our history. Why? Open strands of energy connecting via thought, with open minds to the intent, which create one of the most potent equations of manifestation “Focus is the power of intent.” The focus of one joined by the energy of two, two hundred or two million intensifies the original Focus by that power. 

Predictive thinking in Egypt, million man marches in the streets planned by the people for the people with a focus so overwhelming it cannot be denied as the power of the people. I was impressed today when their army stated they would be there for safety rather than be a part of violence, with peace rising above the negative. I am not a part of Egypt, but I do send them the highest wishes in peace. Millions of hearts speaking through their source of belief and faith cannot immediately be defined by anyone but those carrying the torch of peace. 

At the same time, anyone reading this says a prayer for the country of Australia that nature becomes peaceful over his or her country today and their voices can be lifted in relief from the events of recent weeks. Let one voice join many voices of prayers for calm in their lives, focusing that power of intent into harmony for their land and people. 

This same predictive thinking can be put in motion for Tunisia, Dubai and many more places across our world either by natural causes or the voices of the land praying for peaceful existence – change predictive thinking to the positive from the power of the world of thought. We can focus and change our world above the violence as we change the focus of our intent from the power of you, me, your neighbor, state, and countries in asking for the calm. With energy so great, it far exceeds all governments and is heard by nature in the process. You have the power to usher in 2012, as a new beginning rather than held, in belief of destruction. 

Choose today carefully where your power of thought is given intent, noting within yourself how far negative and positive thinking alike can grow and emerge. Be your power for a better world of thought for all people and lands, your source is listening – what message are you sending?


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