The many forms of Spirit(s) – or are they?

The many forms of Spirit(s) – or are they?

Most people when they think of spirit, or what is perceived as spirit the classifications are slim – dead and various levels of progression beyond the fact. With the common point as being dead, is there more to be said? Spirit is a common word of usage used to describe anything from the highest levels of worship to those you have lost from this world. If the only perception were of alive or dead, this would be true. 

Many times what have been photographed or documented, as apparitions are connections also seen through portal images. Leaning towards the thoughts of being without time or space, it is possible to see, view, and hear what is not dead, but still resides in another space. Going into tomorrow does not erase all energy from today or any previous time or future time of existence. Energy is without time or space in all forms. 

I was reading a book one night, years ago, for myself when the energy starts shifting even pages of a book take on different hues to the pages and blocking of the words. Living in a very old house at the time, unusual many times became usual, though this time it was different. I looked up from the book and in the corner of the room a man was pulling on his boots getting ready to go to work while talking to his wife at the same time, and the room appeared about 1940’s style. There was no indication they were spirits, rather I was watching through a portal into the energy of their life at some moment. If they had been aware I was watching them, I am sure a fear would have come over them. Over the years and in different settings, I have witnessed this happening many times. Which would lead me to wonder, when apparitions in old buildings of people walking in the dress of their times or interacting, oblivious to surroundings are more indications of viewing open portals rather than viewing spirits. Any spirit is aware of not only their energy but yours also, without being or acting as not being seen. This has not been the case, in seeing the views I have seen at times, and our own consciousness can travel into the spaces of time being viewed. Sometimes becoming a conscious energy in the space of time being viewed. 

Photographs are a tool, which can be referenced and found to change with time, bringing into view that which did not appear when the photograph was taken. Largely, people take photographs and put them in albums for future reference without either noting or taking the time to see change later on. Native Americans did not care to have pictures taken, believing that a piece of their soul would remain in the photo, energy attaching to a moment, with energy being encased in the moment the picture was taken. Without time or space, this is true of all creation remaining moment to moment rather than each moment evaporating from the universe. Scientists touch on this each time they catch another photo closer to what is termed the big bang, learning all still exists even though it is gone, to our being able to still be a part of another time. Looking back at old pictures and seeing a light or image being dispelled to having been unrecognized when the picture was taken, chances are very great when the picture was taken; the image was yet to exist. Though we tend to shake our heads in disbelief. 

Spiritual energy takes many forms as we do in how we choose to view the energy around us. Have you even stopped to look “at” the energy in front of you, or do you find yourself looking onward to another object in view of your world? Particles of energy are in your view at all times, only our choice of viewing changes the outcome. I have heard many people say, in the presence of an energy worker they viewed what would not be possible on their own – what changes in those moments is your own perception of it being possible with assistance rather than impossible on your own. Your belief alters into acceptance and change is seen, it is not the energy worker – it is you allowing another view. You are manifesting and creating the change in sight without being inhibited by your own thoughts of this being so. Oprah has her ah hah moments; these are the WOW moments available to all, if allowed. Can you do it? yes you can! 

Clearing your mind and allowing yourself to be part of the dream state with eyes wide open. A biblical phrase that is well known is “come to me as the child”, meaning coming to the state of connection open and accepting without fear, negativity or doubt being present and only in trust and faith regardless if you are 8 or 80. There you will find your highest guidance ready and waiting to share. Spirit takes many forms – death is not the common denominator, Within 8 feet of you at any moment is all you might consider unknown, how do you see beyond 8 feet, with eyes wide open or only the next object of your physical world? Alter your view and the horizons no longer exist. 


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