Expansion of Thought
Expansion of Thought
"The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking in an excerpt of his new book being released September 7th, which I intend on buying, reading the blogging in the future at this time has religious orders around the world publishing their thoughts before reading the material. Stephen Hawking has long been one who captured my attention through his findings on physics, quantum and the universe as we know or perceive it to be. A mind who will long be remembered into future millenniums possibly as taking the torch Einstein lit and seeing the flame growing more intense. Attempting to open theories for the future rather than accepting past theories as the only truth and expanding on the thoughts of those past, rather than debunking or eliminating the thought processes we have known. In clearly stating he is not debunking the presence of a higher divinity in creating order physically, spiritually or universally he is only trying to fill the gaps between science and religious thinking. If the intent of Hawking is not to eliminate what is know and only to enhance the bridge between known and unknown, where does the fear lie in religious order? The core of spirituality rests on that bridge – not all spiritual belief but spirituality and the merging or religion and science.
If a process of thought unveiled which took all belief into what seems to be the end of time and infinity then becoming reflecting and reviewing in the process, all old would once again be open and allowing of growth and enhancement. Spirituality itself is more a course of being open to understanding and expanding in filling those gaps rather than be only accepting and allowing of what is without expansion. Weeks before my own mother's death in 2003 in a filled room at my sister's house she posed a question to me asking "who do you think God is?" At the time I was reading a section from the local newspaper and not paying attention to the room and with the question I started thinking what my answer would be in response, I knew my answer though after years of not finding that common ground between my mother and myself on religious views the choice of words being used in what I presumed a room full of family was my concentration rather than the answer. When I looked up to answer her question; the room had emptied and only her and I were left seated as she was looking at me for the response. Either my time taken to respond was lengthier than I thought or a family had scattered in a heartbeat to corners out of view. I asked her if she had seen the globes at stores in which you touch the surface and electrical energy becomes visible to the eyes as your hands move across the surface, she said "yes". I told her my believe was the same form of energy represented God rather than a single entity this object known throughout divinity was the fabric of the universe, constantly moving and transforming without a solid or single form. It just was, for no other possible explanation. Reeling for the response from a woman who for all the decades of her life invested her time and energy in the church and religious order just responded with "that is what I believe also". She had an understanding without explanations and accepted in her life what was known and yet believed faithfully in that which was unknown to her. To me, this same scenario applies to my own desire to read what Stephen Hawking has to offer with an open mind and without judgment or prejudiced before doing so. To raise your energy is to expand your energy and taking what might seem as a fools step forward from the past into knowledge which from your own heart and soul will choose to accept or deny in part of full as need be in your own growth process.
Stayed tuned in the weeks ahead as I read and post my own reactions to the words Hawking has written and comment freely in response.